Here's How You Can Get Voluminous Hair Even If You Have Straight & Flat Hair
Everyone's image of a goddess includes a mane of flowing, voluminous hair but unfortunately, some of us have absolutely flat and straight hair that looks nothing goddess-like. If you have flat and straight hair, don't worry because you can style your hair to look like you have a full head of voluminous hair.
Scroll on to find out more!
#1 Blow your hair bottom up
Photo from @林眠眠 (via Little Red Book)
Rather than following the growth of your hair, blow it from bottom up to add air in your hair to make it look more voluminous. If you find it too tedious to keep lifting your hair, you can always throw your head down and blow your hair upside down.
#2 Put hair rollers under the top layer of hair
Photo from @林眠眠 (via Little Red Book)
For added volume, add hair rollers on the crown of your head, under the top layer of hair, to look like you have fuller and thicker hair. Use a hair dryer to blow at it for around seven to eight minutes for the hair to set in that position. Then, remove the rollers and tousle your hair out for a natural look.
#3 Twirl your fringe and blow
Photo from @林眠眠 (via Little Red Book)
If you have bangs, you want to make it airy, light and with a curl too!
Photo from @林眠眠 (via Little Red Book)
Twirl your bangs into a single bundle of hair.
Photo from @林眠眠 (via Little Red Book)
Blow at hot temperature for two to three minutes and tousle it out with your fingers.
#4 Curl your hair
Photo from @林眠眠 (via Little Red Book)
To add more volume to your hair, you can also curl your hair. There are many methods to curl your hair, even if you have no hair curlers. But you can use the bun method, where you tie a portion of your hair into a tiny bun and blow at it for seven to eight minutes.
For a full head of curls, tie your bun higher. For a half head of curls, you can tie like the model in the photo above.
#5 Use hair volumising products
Photo from @林眠眠 (via Little Red Book)
Set your hair with a hair volumising product to keep it from falling apart. This can come in the form of spray, powder, mists and even shampoos and conditioners. Do your research and find out which one works for your hair best!
Photo from @林眠眠 (via Little Red Book)
Follow our tips, top it off with a fresh hair mist and you can get goddess-like hair too!
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Text by: GirlStyle SG