Healthy Tips Young Women Should Follow To Stay In Shape
Our body changes with age and this is something that many often overlook. Yes, you may be a sporty girl with beautiful tanned skin during your poly or uni days but things may not be the same now.
Anna* and Bella* (not their real names) are good examples. Ever since they entered the workforce and started adulting, their lifestyle changed drastically. If we show you the 'before' and 'after' photos of them, your jaws will definitely drop. Scroll along to find out the steps they took to stay in shape!
After two years of sitting down for eight hours five times a week, one-hour lunch breaks and dinner appointments with old friends to reminisce the past, it is no surprise why the 'spare tyre' appeared.
The main cause? Their metabolism slowed down; too much consumption of bubble tea, junk food and clearly, a lack of exercise. The luxury of being young with a high metabolism only lasts for so long.
This Is How Anna Lost Weight
Anna's wakeup call came when she was asked to be a bridesmaid for her cousin. There was no way she could fit into the dainty wrap dress, expose her flabby arms and tummy and this was when she knew she had to do something.
Having come from a sporty background, Anna started a new exercise regime by running daily and adopting a healthy diet. She did not cut all her favourite foods away immediately, though. She stayed away from sugar, carbs and made sure she consumed enough calories for her body to function.
Some of the food she ate includes avocado, salmon, spinach and green tea.
Almonds are filled with nutrients like magnesium and vitamin E that can help maintain blood sugar levels and reduce food cravings. Instead of snacking on chips, Anna also turned to almonds to satisfy her 'itchy mouth'.
To motivate herself further towards her ideal weight, Anna also recorded the distance she ran daily, amount of calories burned and monitored her progress every day.
Bella took on a different approach to losing her 'spare tyre'
Though she wished she was as motivated as Anna, she was not. Bella's job also required her to OT frequently until late at night. Her eager nature wanted a solution where she can see fast results with no risks.
After taking out liposuction, diet pills and detox tea from the equation, the answer was obvious: she needed to visit a slimming centre. While there are many options out there, she wanted one that can focus on her lower body weight problem and give her a quick fix. It was then when she found Dorra Slimming and signed up for a free trial to their Intense Fat Burning Slimming Treatment.
Guess what? She trimmed 2cm off her waistline in just one treatment! Stay on till the end, because the 'before' and 'after' photos will shock you.
Here's what went down during her trial at Dorra Slimming
#1 Height and Weight
Upon registering herself for the treatment, Bella was brought to a room to take her height and weight; where her body mass was calculated with precision.
#2 Consultation
After the results of her analysis, Bella met her Dorra Slimming consultant Elycia, where they had an in-depth discussion on Bella's lifestyle and eating habits.
Bella had a high-fat percentage, especially in the lower bottom of her body. Her weight had also been increasing over the years and it has reached an alarming state where she had to take action or risk getting out of shape.
Though cellulite is pretty common to all women (and men), Bella was still shocked to see her consultant point it out on certain parts of her body as she admitted they did not use to be there.
Before proceeding with the treatment, Elycia took a measurement of Bella's waist circumference and here it is: 90.5cm *holymoly*
#3 Treatment
The Intense Fat Burning Slimming Treatment Bella went for focused on her belly fats and she was pleasantly surprised with the results after a mere 20 minutes treatment!
#4 Results
We were not kidding when we said the 20 minutes treatment worked wonders. Check out Bella's waist circumference after the treatment: 88cm!
Want to lose weight and see results instantly? Click here to redeem a FREE Intense Fat Burning Slimming Treatment (worth SGD$300) now! Upon completing the treatment, you will be given this specially formulated cellulite serum that can target fats on your tummy, hips and thighs and help you burn them while you move.
*Note: To protect their identities, the names of these ladies have been changed but their story remains factual and authentic
This post is brought to you by Dorra Slimming.
Photos: GirlStyle SG, Presslogic
Text by: GirlStyle SG