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What Do Your Pimples Say About Your Health?

What Do Your Pimples Say About Your Health?

By christinelai on 18 Jun 2019

Don't ignore your pimples and don't just conceal it. Pimples are not only caused by skin condition and personal hygiene. Do you realise how some pimples only grow at a particular part of your face?


It can give you clues to the health condition of your body! 

Face Mapping

Forehead (Bladder & Intestines)
It can be a sign for you to work on your diet and digestive issues. Stress and consuming too much alcohol can possibly trigger pimples to surface on your forehead.

Between Brows (Liver & Stomach)
Diets that are too high in fats, high in processed foods can also cause pimples in this area.

Nose (Heart)
You may want to reduce your sodium intake and watch out for your blood pressure if you continuously have pimples on your nose.

Lip Area (Hormones & Intestines)
Pimples in this area are commonly associated with hormonal imbalances and issues relating to your reproductive organ. The Chinese also believes that pimples in this area are caused by consuming foods that are 'too heaty' or spicy.

Chin (Stomach, Kidney & Reproductive Organs)
Similar to the lip area, diet changes and stress reduction can significantly improve the pimple situation in this area.

Ears & Temples (Kidneys)
You need to drink more water and try to reduce your sodium intake to see improvement.

Under Eyes (Kidney, Liver & Intestines)
It is uncommon to have pimples in this area.

7 Surprising Reasons Why You Have Pimples and Acne

Cheeks (Lungs & Respiratory System)
Especially if it only appears on one side of your face, it can merely be a reminder to change your pillowcase and to clean up your room!

If you have pimples in your neck area regularly, it is advisable for you to check in with a doctor.

Photo Source: Pinterest
Text By: GirlStyle SG

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