This Singapore Man Proposed To His GF At The Carpark With 22 Cars! ♡
How can anyone possibly say no?!
On 5 November, Facebook user Dave Lim uploaded a series of photos congratulating Ng Zhao Wei of his successful marriage proposal with girlfriend (now wife) Jessie Chai.
What wowed us all is the fact that this proposal involved 22 Hyundai Elantra cars all lit up with LED lights! ♡
Photo from Dave Lim (Facebook)
Photo from Dave Lim (Facebook)
Ng Zhao Wei first got the proposal idea when he saw the carpark's rooftop from Jessie's living room window on the 19th floor, recalling a similar proposal video he once watched online.
In a brief interview with Mothership, Zhao Wei shared that the proposal video he watched happened during the day but he decided to make it happen at night with LED lights as his car was 'fully LED' and it would definitely look nice when it's lit up at night.
To gather the car strength to form the sentence 'Will you marry me?', he sought help from his buddies over at Facebook car group Elantra Club Singapore (ECS) and also got help from Dave Lim, the Operation Manager of local lighting car workshop Nightzconcept.
And of course, she said yes!
Photo from Dave Lim (Facebook)
In a separate post on 6 November, Zhao Wei shared:
Thank You Everyone for the congratulatory wishes!!
Embarking on a new journey with a status upgradeFirstly would like to thank all who helped me in doing up this wonderful proposal.. I know I didn't jio many many of you (cos only 15 words in total).. but you all are not forgotten.
Photo from Ng Zhao Wei (Facebook)
Thanks again to all who helped me that day (you all know who you are).. words can't express how grateful I am.
Secondly would like to thank my family & Jessie Issocrazy family for helping us make this ROM a unforgettable one. Not forgetting all the Uncle/Aunties/Cousins/Nephew/Niece who came and witness the most important signing of our lives!!
Thanks once again!! (dunno what to say le.. just very happy and grateful for everything!!)
Love All of you!!!
Lastly of cos Love my Beloved Wife Jessie Chai Peiyu!!!!
Photo from Ng Zhao Wei (Facebook)
What a beautiful couple! Let's wish them a very happily ever after~ May they remain as loving and honest with each other until the end of time ♡
Text by: Girlstyle SG