These 15 'Cat Eye' Nail Designs Put The Glam In Glamorous! ♡
If you're looking for a low-key yet classy design, then you gotta check out this cat eye series.
No, we're not talking about painting real cat eyes on your nails. Cat eyes basically refers to the narrow line of light that shimmers in the middle of your nail, resembling that of a cat. Ask any manicurist and they'll easily tell you that this design is one of the hottest in the market. Ever!
As pretty as it is, you have to wear it with the right colours. You don't wanna come across as fierce or too mature, right?
Let's go take a look at 15 cat eye nail designs that stole our hearts! ♡
# Pink Series
Pink is not the most striking base colour for cat eye nail designs but its sweet and almost-nude nature is one that all girls would love. If you're looking for a low-key yet cute colour, go pink.
Add some fun into your manicure by going alternate. In case you can't tell, nude pink and white is a perfect combi so you could feel free to play around with this two colours.
# Cool Grey Series
If you read our ultimate grey nails guide, you'd know how pretty grey is. Don't you think it's a perfect colour for cat eye nails? Look~
If you noticed, grey actually have a contouring effect so rocking this colour would definitely make your fingers and hands look slimmer :P
Furthermore, constellation nails are all the rage this year so feel free to add your fav moon and stars onto your nails to complete the look!
Even if you're just using one colour for your cat eye design, it works too. This is the beauty of cat eyes~ ♡
# Dark Series
Girls who want to bring out the cooler you, try going for this dark series.
Add in some gold flakes and watch the magic happen!
Pretty beyond words.
# Warm Colour Series
Earth colours are one of our favourites to work with and these caramelised-looking nails got us feeling some kind of way.
See how outstanding the cat eye design looks here?
This cat eye x shattered glass design thooooo ♡
Which colour series is your favourite? Share this article with a girlfriend you're planning to do your manicure with! ♡
Photos: Weibo
Text by: Girlstyle SG