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Halloween Horror Nights 8: The Top 3 Scariest Attractions This Year!

Halloween Horror Nights 8: The Top 3 Scariest Attractions This Year!

By christinelai on 04 Oct 2018

If you are an avid fan of the annual Universal Studios (Singapore) Halloween Horror Nights then here's news for you!


If you think you might have seen it all(yawn), then these three attractions this year will make you reconsider.


They are so blood-curdling, grisly and horrifying that you might  almost believe the terror is real...


universal studio halloween horror night-fQuMJ





Why waste time on noob attraction when you want the real deal?  By that we mean, the real scary deal. Don't say we didn't warn you though...








  1.  The Pontianak Haunted House







Since young, thanks to a staple diet of (Russell Lee) True Singapore Ghost Stories, Pontianaks have always scared the daylights out of me. During outward bound, or school camps, I would always cringe each time I saw banana trees as I trudged through the wilderness. I recall the teachers barking incessantly at us:



AmazonPhoto from Amazon




Never shine your torchlight at the banana trees.... 


Having an active imagination did not help the situation either.


The Pontianak is Asia's most infamous female (but of course! The scary ones are all female) spirit and what's  Halloween Horror Nights without an attraction dedicated solely to her right?


Geek CulturePhoto from Geek Culture



The strong stench of frangipani is apparent as you approach her hut, making the whole scene far more realistic then you can imagine. The attraction was apparently so frightening that several crew members reportedly took breaks to leave the house during set-up because they could not handle it.




Geek CulturePhoto from Geek Culture


Costumes are grisly and realistic and plenty of sudden jump scares await you...

We hear even grown men were freaked out by this attraction. You have been warned.











2. The Killuminati Haunted House




Be My GuestPhoto from Be My Guest



While the name doesn't sound like much, this is one hell of a scary haunted house.


It's a spin-off from the word Illuminati. So think dark robbed, hooded mysterious beings surrounding you. Read: Da Vinci Code.


This house presents to you the world of Chinese secret society's dark rituals. The demonstrations left a haunting impression on us.





Arbor AsiaPhoto from Arbor Asia


You will have a chance to witness first hand, (up close and personal) the birthing ritual of a child demon.


The process is downright grotesque, creepy and cringe-worthy. I almost felt my dinner coming out of my stomach. It was hair raising watching that unholy being writhe out of the sheets. (who is that damned actor! so good!)




TNPPhoto from TNP



While I have always thought of childbirth as a messy and painful process, this scene just takes it to a whole new level.


Make your way through a live human slaughter house where more grotesque delights and scares await you.




DejikiPhoto from Dejiki



Tip? Remember not to come visit on a full stomach unless you enjoy puking in toilets.



3. The Pagoda of Peril Scare House


DejikiPhoto from Dejiki






Think Chinese period costumes. Anyone remembers Haw Par Villa?

By Chinese period costumes, we aren't talking about the likes of the beautiful ones in 'Yanxi Palace' but costumes with bloody, demonic creatures walking in them.


Somehow Asian (Chinese) spirits are far more creepy then Western ones. (Why ah)





Get lost in a labyrinth of rooms filled with smokey incense and joss sticks.


It's almost akin to traversing the 18 levels of Chinese Hell. Chinese demons and spirits are aplenty and anything you can possibly imagine from your worse's all here.


This place makes Haw Par Villa look almost like a kiddy joyride.



Tip: Empty your bladder first before entering because the demons here are so might just wet your pants out of fear.




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Check out that tongue. I think I just lost all my appetite.




Asia OnePhoto from Asia One



Grab your toughest buddies and head down to the Universal Studios Halloween Horror Nights 8 for the night of your life.


Boyfriends, remember to wear your most durable shirts because you don't want your girlfriend to be clawing you and shredding your shirts out of terror.



Be warned, these attractions are NOT for the faint of heart/weak of stomach and they will leave you quaking in fear for weeks to come!









Text By: Girlstyle SG


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