You Can Now Get Wasabi Kit Kat In Singapore!
Can you ever imagine wasabi being sweet and friendly? If you dare not try wasabi and you're curious as to how it tastes like, this is the perfect opportunity for you. We promise you, it is not spicy like the real wasabi. As cringe-worthy as it sounds, you will be sold out by how perfect this Japan chocolate is after the first bite. It is sweet in a uniquely wasabi way.
Photo from Girlstyle SG
We spotted this Wasabi Kit Kat at Fairprice Xtra, Serangoon Nex. We are not sure if it's available across all Fairprice in Singapore but this goody is hiding right at the bottom of the sweets and chocolate section! You can bring it home at $7.95 sgd. Yasss!
You don't need to ask your friends to buy it from Japan anymore. Simply, check with the staff at the Fair price closest to you if they have it. And share this with your friends! (Especially those who live in Serangoon to snatch a packet for you.)
Check out this burger from US that will be opening in a few days time in Singapore. Be the first few to try!
Text By: Girlstyle SG