SGInstaBabes Shuts Down After 'Special Services' Campaign From Teenage Influencers Backfired
Such services. Much wow.
Our local scene has been pretty quiet ever since the Daryl Aiden Yow saga.... until SGInstaBabes took us all by storm this week.
In case you haven't heard of SGInstaBabes, it's basically a group of young "influencers" who 'looks good' and have 'hot bodies'. Though it's never been official, we're pretty sure many of them (or their 107K fans) see themselves as the faces of Singapore.
If you're still wondering how our "sg babes" look like, look up #sginstababes and you'd easily find these pics:
Here are some of the "sg babes" who did a shoot for HK's lingerie brand 6IXTY8IGHT when they launched in Singapore.
Launch of SGInstaBabes Patroen
You might be wondering: Wtf is a patroen?
Think of Kickstarter or GoFundMe. Someone comes up with an innovative product/cause, put it up on the site and allow supporters to contribute money and fund it.
Similarly, Patroen is a platform for artist/musicians/creatives to garner support from the public who appreciates what they do. For SGInstaBabes, they are "content creators" so they are basically trying to get people to subscribe to them based on the sexy photos, cute videos and wild bikini yacht parties they produce and organise.
Check out the promotional video SGInstaBabes uploaded on YouTube that has since been taken down:
Tiers Of Patroen Contribution
Tier #1 Donor -USD3/mth
If you think no one's appreciating you enough, pay $3/mth and these "sg babes" would appreciate you.
Tier #2 Fan - USD7.50/mth
Wow, now this is something. At least you get to access complete albums now, huh.
Tier #3 Avid Fan -USD22.50/mth
Up that amount a little more and you'd be able to watch their personal vlogs too. Enticing?
Tier #4 Friend -USD75/mth
Seems like people in this tier just got upgraded but guess what? They still got friendzoned! Oh well, at least they'd still be able to 'watch' their favourite "SG babes" do their photoshoots. No, wait. THEY CAN EVEN BE THEIR PHOTOGRAPHER!
This means the models will be at these subscribers' disposal and that they have the right to take photos of them from ANY ANGLE. Right?
Tier #5 Best Friend -USD225/mth
Wah, this one lagi best. Subscribers get to join the "sg babes" for unlimited shoots every month. We hope the girls are ready to be called upon request #Gg.com
Tier #6 Party King - USD3750/mth
Steady. Anyone who pays for this is surely a baller who have no better place to spend their moolah. If they've never been on a yacht filled with bikini girls, what better way to experience it than through this experience right? With "sg babes" somemore #wow
But let us warn you: make sure the girl is legal hor. #lol
The Big Exposé
Just five days after SGInstaBabes launched their patroen, a total of 89 people have signed up. Normally people would think that 'wow, this shit is really working'.... until Dee Kosh got hold of some very golden WhatsApp chat screenshots between the 28-year-old Malaysia-born SGInstaBabes founder Lai Wee Kiat and started circulating it all over the web.
Man, we have no words for this... Of course, after the big reveal, Lai Wee Kiat was condemned by many and faced countless backlash.
Even though he knew that it was coming, we bet he didn't think it would be this bad. If you remember, he did mention in the WhatsApp message that he's also prepared some replies just in case he needed to answer to the backlash.
Photo from @fabodylous
Sure enough, he did publish an Instagram post and explained how the Patroen funding was never meant to exploit girls and women. We call it bullshit, and so did Xiaxue. Though the post has since been taken down, we got you covered. Read it here:
Harlow everyone!
Thank you all for your attention! Even though most of it is hate, I'm seriously used to it already. In fact, I would like to take advantage of this attention to share with you all something which I have kept in my mind and heart for a long time and I think this is the perfect time to share it.
Firstly, Singapore is a very women-friendly country. And that's awesome! The police are efficient and effective, the Women's Charter act is protecting our lovely ladies and women have access to education and income opportunities as much as men.
But unfortunately, on the dark web, it's a totally different scene. You all know what I mean. Don’t act innocent. The sex Tumblrs, Sammyboy and now, even sex discussion Telegram groups. And through the power of anonymity, members on these platforms do things like share photos from girls’ Instagram without their permission, take upskirt videos, plant hidden cameras in public toilets, widely share girls' sex videos which were leaked without her consent, etc.
And all these are accompanied by crude and degrading discussions about the girls involved, judging their body parts, disregarding their modesty, making lewd comments, all in celebration of humiliation and amusement. And it HURTS these innocent girls. It hurts them bad. It saddens them that an innocent action on their end can bring so much judgment and humiliation. Is it right for a girl to fear that by just posting bikini photos of herself online, wearing a skirt (or even shorts) in public, using public toilets that her privacy will be invaded and her modesty disregarded? Is that the culture you all want to live in?
Unfortunately, this attitude towards women is brought over to mainstream social media. Even for non-sexualised content, I see degrading and lewd comments. I get accused of objectifying women but I see that in fact, many of you WANT to objectify women for your own amusement. Women can't be themselves because of the fear that social media will pervert even the most innocent things they do. Why can't you all let women dress however they want and do whatever they want as long as it doesn't mess with you or the law? And please don't say, "It's the Internet, it's my right to say whatever I want". Yea, you could, but do you know how it affects others?
My team and I aren't trying to objectify women. When I started SgInstaBabes, it was to bring out the vibrancy and the beauty of girls in Singapore, and yes, sometimes being sexy and cheeky too. When I started our Patreon, it was to give a chance to our followers to be more involved in our activities and to fund us. We share more photos, we organize photo shoots and we party. And we're thankful for all our subscribers, not think that we're so great and they should feel privileged to join us. That's it. Anything beyond that is your assumption and extrapolation. Unfortunately, I see that our innocent intentions are being perverted, just like how the dark web would.
Funny thing is, those who are perverting my intentions aren't the girls I work with and see me and know me. Heck, they aren't even people who follow SgInstaBabes and have seen the stories and posts we made. They are people who are here because of drama and made assumptions based on shallow judgments. And they don't care about the accuracy of what they say. They just wanna jump on the bandwagon. Hence, empty vessels make the most noise.
I'm not trying to be a hero, but I think that in our very connected society, we're sometimes too quick to judge. And unfortunately, we usually choose the worst possible judgment. And yes, content on SgInstaBabes can be sexy sometimes. But I hold true to my belief that every girl/woman has her right and choice to portray herself as sexy but still be respected. And don't you love sexy too? Yes? Then stop degrading girls who post sexy photos of themselves online. I hope that we all can have more respect for each other online and always remember that behind every screen is a real human being.
Sorry if I've offended any of you and unless it's an empty insult and hate, please feel free to DM us any feedback you have for us to improve our content. We'll be sure to reply whenever we can.
Peace out,
Wee Kiat