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This「 Sailor Moon Dim Sum」Is So Raved About, But Hmmm.

This「 Sailor Moon Dim Sum」Is So Raved About, But Hmmm.

Food Travel Hot Topics
By christinelai on 30 Aug 2018

Sailor Moon is iconic. Do you know that this anime symbolised how an emotional teenager transit into a responsible adult? Sailor Moon was known in Japan as a pretty soldier. She and a bunch of other pretty soldiers were tasked to defend the Earth against an assortment of evils when they were just basically, secondary school students. 


Back in those days, we don't know what saving the earth means but we're obsessed with the magical powers. The whole idea of waving my hand, my wand and I get to transform into a beautiful warrior. I want it!!!

Now that we are grown-ups (this anime was back in the 1990s), the best and the closest thing we can get to this childhood favourite anime is to eat their faces on dim sums and baos.

Sailor Moon 系幾多女孩子既童年回憶,好吧,其實sailor moon既大長腿我係幾鍾意既?,不過我既童年都係超人打哥斯拉,數碼暴龍,高達,同BBC獅子食鹿中度過既... 但係有野食就咩卡通都岩我? 我地每次黎 @dim_sum_icon 都食到飽飽甘走,今次試左芋頭流沙包(純粹想食),安格斯牛腸粉?,蜜汁雞翼?(蛋白質氨基酸),同菠蘿炒飯??(碳水)。非常有定力甘無叫到我最最最愛既流心西多士同甜品???,比較叻我自己✌️ @crystallaw_cl 揀既黑松露飯同 @reireing 嗌既紅棗糕都好好食,紅棗糕系嚴格訓練既時候,都算系甜品中既healthy choice呀? 想睇鏡頭背後記得睇到最後? 向右拉slide?

A post shared by Melody Kan 簡思恩 (@melody_kan) on

Sailor Mars 明天8月17日艷壓登場?? A post shared by DIM SUM ICON (@dim_sum_icon) on

A post shared by kathywing (@kathywing) on

A post shared by Verna Nana (@verna.cheung) on

3 Factors To Consider Before Booking Your Flight To Hong Kong

1. The Price is indeed pretty shocking.
The forex from SGD to HKD is now $1 to $5.75.
5 pcs of pretty dumplings cost $15.50 SGD
5 pcs of pretty scallop siewmai costs $17.30 SGD

A post shared by DIM SUM ICON (@dim_sum_icon) on

2. The Colouring

Apart from green spinach noodles, we don't know where the blue, red, yellow, green colourings in the drinks and dim sum comes from.


A post shared by Pongsakornn (@9g0lf) on

3. Limited Promotion

As it is only available from 17 August to 12 October, you can expect long queue almost every day for this. Be prepared to wait a long time as waiting times are usually already long in Hong Kong. This would mean an even longer wait time.
Dim Sum Icon

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Address: L308, 3/F, The ONE, 100 Nathan Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong

Opening Hours: 11am to 11pm daily

Directions: From Tsim Sha Tsui MTR, Go to Exit B1/B2, it's a short less than 5min walk (150~200m) from the exit.

Text By: Girlstyle SG

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