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By Vicky on 23 Jul 2018
Digital Media Editor

好萊塢動作片硬漢男星巨石強森(TheRock Johnson)榮登今年美國財經雜誌《富比士》(Forbes)排行榜中位列「最吸金男星」!而他的「地表最強暖男」形象也深植人心~現在就讓V編一起帶女孩們回顧巨石強森近期的經典語錄吧♡


好萊塢動作片硬漢男星巨石強森(TheRock Johnson)近期不只與昆凌合作演出了《摩天大樓》,也在本月20號曬出了與3個月大小女兒Tiana Gia 的最新合影





*swipe left After years of relentless hard work, lil’ bit of luck, successes, failures, more failures and more successes, my career just achieved a pretty awesome milestone - the highest earning actor in the history of Forbes. I’m a firm believer in the notion that there is no success that happens alone. Success always requires a TEAM. THANK YOU to @danygarciaco (founder of @garciacompanies and co-founder of @sevenbucksprod) for her brilliant enterprise/world building acumen, vision and most importantly, her execution ???? And THANK YOU to our hungry, brilliant and like vision team/ WME Gang, Tyre, Ramer & Brown Grant, Tani, Barash & Altman @GarciaCompanies @Jonesworks @Viewpoint.PR @SevenBucksProd @SevenBucksCr @SevenBucksDS @flynnpictureco Team Rock Physical Production Again, THANK YOU TEAM and cheers to always putting the audience first and breaking new ground. And to anyone out there reading this right now... remember, I’m the dude who started with $7bucks. Anything can be achieved with relentless hard work, passion, surrounding yourself with smart people and always ALWAYS listening to your gut. #MakingForbesHistory #HardestWorkerInTheRoom #TeamRock

therock(@therock)分享的貼文 於 張貼




螢幕快照 2017-12-21 下午5.41.27




巨石強森:「我從7美元起家,我發自內心地感激,也永遠保持飢渴」。 他表示成功永遠都需要團隊合作,他標註了許多員成表達感謝,也勉勵網友們維持努力、熱情、與聰明的人合作、並相信自己的直覺,「記住!我是以7美元起家的傢伙」!


螢幕快照 2017-12-21 下午5.57.35



巨石強森在今年4月底時在個人社群網站宣布和交往10年的女友Lauren Hashian生下了女兒,消息一出,各地所有粉絲都紛紛獻上祝福




















I already love you but to see you as a father made me fall in love you even more. ❤️ Playing and laughing constantly every time you’re together. Leading with your wisdom, guidance, patience, and compassion as they grow up. Always asking yourself how can I be the best father to each of my girls. Doing things to help me be the best mom I can. Allowing our 2 year old daughter to hold you hostage in her toy room daily, and steal your food from you every time you eat. Being so hands on even though sometimes it seems you work 8 days a week ;) And you still rush home on those days to tuck in your babies. I’m so grateful. We’re so grateful. There is really no other like you :) Endlessly loving... And just to receive their love back makes you the happiest Daddy on the planet. That’s why... Happy Fathers Day to our man, our protector, our heart. Thank you for being the best Dad & partner and I love you! Xoxo

Lauren Hashian(@laurenhashianofficial)分享的貼文 於 張貼


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