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Elderly Couple Backpack Around The World And They Fall In Love All Over Again

Elderly Couple Backpack Around The World And They Fall In Love All Over Again

By Karmen on 08 May 2020
Digital Editor
Has severe RBF but is fairly jolly and carefree on the inside. Degree of life satisfaction is heavily influenced by food.

Get your tissues ready because you're about to read a story that will melt your heart and make you believe in love!

Large groups of elderly tourists in an organised tour group is probably a familiar sight, but one elderly couple from China chose a different and daring travel option.

They went on a backpacking adventure around the world after retirement and fell in love with each other all over again during their travels. ?

Keep reading to find out more!

elderly backpacking couple Zhang Guangzhu and Wang Zhongjin doing a jumpsuitPhoto from @花甲背包客 via Weibo

In 2008, the then 71-year-old Zhang Guangzhu and 68-year-old Wang Zhongjin began travelling around the world. They backpacked across over 40 countries for three years before returning to China.

The idea to travel the world with his wife came to Zhang when he encountered a lone tourist in Yunnan who could not speak any Mandarin and yet was up for travelling to a remote place in China. So he thought, why not him and his wife?

elderly backpacking couple Zhang Guangzhu and Wang Zhongjin in ChinaPhoto from @花甲背包客 via Weibo

They didn't just up and leave, though! The couple did their homework and made preparations for their adventure! Zhang would spend more than half a day reading English conversation books while Wang studied history and geography.

elderly backpacking couple Zhang Guangzhu and Wang Zhongjin in ParisPhoto from @花甲背包客 via Weibo

elderly backpacking couple Zhang Guangzhu and Wang Zhongjin travellingPhoto from @花甲背包客 via Weibo

Although their English wasn't at an advanced level, they didn't let that stop them from venturing out into the world on their own.

The couple spent three months travelling around Europe and after returning home, they set off exploring the US and Canada the next year. They've also travelled to South America, Australia, New Zealand, Russia, India and Singapore!

elderly backpacking couple Zhang Guangzhu and Wang Zhongjin in SingaporePhoto from @花甲背包客 via Weibo

As expected from this adventurous pair, they were also up for daredevil activities like skydiving!

elderly backpacking couple Zhang Guangzhu and Wang Zhongjin skydivingPhoto from @花甲背包客 via Weibo

They also shared on their Weibo account that travelling around the world together strengthened their relationship and made them fall in love with each other even more than before! ?

elderly backpacking couple Zhang Guangzhu and Wang Zhongjin in the Middle EastPhoto from @花甲背包客 via Weibo

Although they're not going abroad these days, they're still having fun travelling around China. The elderly explorers often post updates on their travels on their Weibo account 花甲背包客, which translates to Elderly Backpackers. ?

Feeling the urge to follow in their footsteps? Whether your travel buddy is your soul mate like this cute elderly couple, your bestie or yourself, check out some of our travel articles for inspiration on where to travel to next once it's safe to venture out again!

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Text by: GirlStyle SG

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