5 Realistic Ways To Resist Your Junk Food Cravings & Get Healthy
Why is junk food so delicious and so difficult to resist? ?
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First things first! To define junk food, it is foods that are high in calories from fat, sugar and salt, usually highly processed and ready to eat with little preparation. They have little to zero nutritional value which means you're getting "empty calories" without dietary fibre, protein, vitamins and minerals.
If that sounds like the foods you love and eat regularly, keep reading to check out five practical tips to resist your junk food cravings!
#1 Don't cut if off entirely
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If your addiction to junk food is real and it's usually a part of your diet, suddenly cutting it off completely can be unrealistic and make you go back to the same habits eventually. Gradually reducing the quantity of junk food you eat will make it more likely for you to succeed in having a mostly junk food-free diet.
You can also delay the satisfaction of eating junk food. Instead of telling yourself "no" which can be disheartening, tell yourself "later". Reward yourself with junk food only after drinking a lot of water and having a proper meal with plenty of greens. You'll eat less junk food if its right after a meal rather than in-between meals.
#2 Don't go grocery shopping when you're hungry
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You're more likely to crave junk food and buy a lot of it when you're shopping while hungry. The best time to go food shopping is after a meal and when you're not having any cravings!
#3 Find another way to comfort yourself
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Satisfying a junk food craving can only give you a brief moment of emotional respite, leaving you with an increased waistline and sugar level that stays for much longer. If emotional eating is a habit of yours, find out what's bothering you when you feel an urge to eat junk food. Try to find another way to make yourself feel better or treat yourself after a hard day. Get your nails painted, have a relaxing facial or simply snuggle up with your pets or hang out with your bffs and significant other!
#4 Focus on the progress you made
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Successfully cutting down on junk food and having a healthier diet might make you feel like you deserve to be rewarded with junk food. That makes sense on the surface but it could make you spiral back into your old habits. If you catch yourself thinking this way, try to channel your thoughts towards the benefits you've experienced as a result of your healthy diet like increased energy levels and clearer skin.
#5 Get inspired by healthy-eating people
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There are many healthy role models on social media and TV who you can take inspiration from. If you have a colleague or friend who has a healthy diet, try to lunch with him or her!
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Text by: GirlStyle SG