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5 Books You Need To Read To Walk In Perfect Confidence

5 Books You Need To Read To Walk In Perfect Confidence

Lifestyle Wellness
By christinelai on 19 May 2018

At just 10 minutes a day, you might start understanding why you feel hurt, why you're different and start discovering your purpose on earth.  Strike off the "I'm just awkward," "I'm not good enough," or "why...........?," lines in your head. Rub off the frown and  start taking control of your life. Be that girl with great confidence. You can do it!

When you put a stop to resentment, you actually start living. The answers to your problems could possibly lie in the books; The place you don't frequent. We are with you and we have narrowed down to 5 must-read for a healthy perspective and social life.

mochimag, Steph ChaPhoto from mochimag, Steph Cha

1. 5 Love Languages.
"Why is he not giving me the time and attention? Im not expecting much, I just want some love. I don't need all these expensive gifts!"

"I really wish she knows how much I love her, I just don't like to say it because what's the point? I rather show it."


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All of us express and receive love differently. This book explains the social give and take. It is not only for couples, but also for all relationships. Start noticing how much people love you and be intentional in how you show love to others. It takes compromising and understanding to make every relationships work at home, at your workplace or with your BFFs.

In fact, people might ask you "What's you love language?" Now, you know what they are talking about. Start asking others, "What's your love language?"

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2. Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus
The Cold War is over long ago. If you're still on it, it might be time to step down and maybe try to understand what happen?
Where do the differences lie?

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Men and women are wired differently. The biological differences is obvious but we have to try to see what we cannot see. The way a man thinks and the way a woman thinks is different. What is important to you might not be important to others.

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Respect is earned but how to earn it? In every romantic relationship there will be differences. Either it complements or it causes frictions; The power is in your hand.

3. Purpose Driven Life
This is a 40 days challenge for a journey of self-discovery. It is highly encouraged that you read this with your friends. Rediscover your own identity and why are you living here on earth? There are short discussions and mini projects you can embark on if you choose to. Otherwise, it takes about 15~30minutes for a chapter each day. Give this book a try and pass the book on to share!

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4. The Happiness Project
Like the word 'love', happiness is a word that is very subjective. Many have tried to explain it, tried to buy it, tried to obtain it but few found the full satisfying answer. This book is all about a systematic way of approaching love and happiness, as easy as ABC.

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This is a must-read if you feel that your life is in a mess. You need help and you feel unstable and you feel stuck. It teaches you how to walk out of each mess a step at a time. Eventually, it will lead you into a place of freedom and tangible happiness.


5. Boundaries
In Singapore, it is common to grow up with many unwritten taboos and must-dos. The struggle to say no or yes is real.  At times, it feels bad to say no and often in a bid to help or please others, the decision is somehow not yours. You want to start feeling in control. You want people to respect your wishes and decisions. It can be about you sometimes! Consistent failed expectations and controlling parents do affect your overall emotional/mental health.

Break the unhealthy cycle of giving up power and start being in control of your life!

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Start featuring your instagrammable bookworthy moments and tag us in it! #girlsdailysg
We hope to inspire you to read for a better healthier life!

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Text by: Girlsdaily SG

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