What Kind Of Girlfriend You Are According To Your Blood Type
We previously wrote about how you act as a girlfriend according to your horoscope sign but if that did not resonate with you, maybe this article about what kind of girlfriend you are according to your blood type will.
The belief that blood types are predictive of a person's personality, temperament, and compatibility with others mainly exist in Japan and South Korea and not so much in Singapore.
However, just like horoscopes, we recommend taking it with a grain of salt.
Read on to find out if your blood type corresponds with what kind of girlfriend you are!
Type O
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You tend to act like nothing bothers you on the outside but in fact, you care very much and can get jealous easily. When it comes to dating, you are very clear about what you like and dislike, as well as what you look for in a partner.
Some people may describe you as "temperamental" because your emotions are always running high and situations can affect your mood quickly. This can result in you being passionate yet aloof in the next moment.
Do you find yourself saying "I'm hungry" or "I'm tired" very often? This is one of the more endearing characteristics of those with Type O blood. Your cute confessions about your feelings usually makes your boyfriend want to protect you because they find you adorable!
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You don't like to be alone and crave feelings of being needed. When you feel that you are not appreciated or when you get angry, you can become very quiet and distant, even with those you truly love and care about.
Despite being a highly emotional person, you prefer keeping your resentments, negative feelings or stress to yourself because you don't want to burden your loved ones.
But for you, there's nothing a good sleep cannot resolve and any unhappiness will usually be forgotten the next day!
Type A
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You are an independent individual who dislikes inconveniencing other people which is why you tend to keep your unhappiness in your heart and act like nothing is wrong on the outside. When you say "nothing is wrong", in actual fact, everything is wrong.
People may have called you a "crybaby" a few times (or many times) in your entire life.
When you like someone, you will put in 100% effort and place him before yourself because he is that precious to you. This results in you putting your loved ones' needs above your own and will force yourself to do something you dislike just to please that person, for example.
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You want to be praised by people you love because to you, those words of affirmation are way more important and valuable than what strangers say about you.
As a highly responsible person, you will never give up halfway and it's also difficult to change your mind once you have decided on something.
It can be said that your heart is made of glass but you are also capable of being strong when you need to!
Type B
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You are hard to get close to because you require a long time of getting to know that person before you truly open up your heart. When someone tests your boundaries, you will feel like escaping and if pushed to the limit, you will show your unhappiness but will not make a scene.
You are straightforward, which is why you will not waste any time and tend to distance yourself from someone you have no good feelings towards.
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You hate mundanity and being controlled. If your partner is always dictating what you can and cannot do, you will cut him off without any hesitation even if he is someone you like.
If someone you love praises you, those encouragements will act as a force to help you achieve your goals and reach greater heights.
Despite having a #GirlBoss appearance and aura, you will only open up to that special someone who understands and truly loves you.
Type AB
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Like Type O, your emotions and mood fluctuate easily. You are a quirky yet knowledgable individual who is not that good at expressing your feelings. You are only straightforward when it comes to something or someone you are serious about and whatever others say will not change your perspective.
You don't like to have to act as a mother in a relationship so, you want a partner that is mature but knows when to have fun.
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When you hate or dislike someone, you tend to never interact with that person ever again.
You are a critical thinker who will try to understand a situation and this actually helps to prevent further damage whenever a conflict arises in your relationship!
Did you resonate with the description for your blood type? Share this post with a girlfriend or your boyfriend!
Text by: GirlStyle SG