6 Easy-To-Care & Insta-Worthy Plants For Decor In Your Home
If you like to add a touch of greenery in your home, you should definitely check out these six plants that are not just easy to take care of, but also absolutely great additions as home decor.
#1 Rubber Fig
Photo from @宁波家装设计Nicole (via 小红书)
The rubber fig is a robust plant that grows well in a warm environment. Place it in a location with ample sunlight but not directly under the sun. You want to keep the soil moist but not wet and make sure to wipe down the leaves once in a while for the plant to grow well.
#2 Cactus
Photo from @宁波家装设计Nicole (via 小红书)
This is one plant that won't die even if you don't have green fingers at all. If you are too busy (or lazy) to keep up with the plant growth, the cactus will still grow well so you don't have to worry!
#3 Areca Palm
Photo from @宁波家装设计Nicole (via 小红书)
Areca palms are a gorgeous addition to your home with its slim and long leaves that will instantly brighten up any interior. They are also pretty easy to take care of and will require bright, indirect sunlight, preferably through a sheer curtain.
#4 Eucalyptus
Photo from @宁波家装设计Nicole (via 小红书)
The koala's favourite food is also a great decorative item for your home with its unique round-shaped leaves. Plant the Eucalyptus plant in well-drained, fertile soil and water the plant regularly. You should place the plant in a sunny but sheltered place - such as a balcony or by the window.
#5 Swiss Cheese Plant
Photo from @宁波家装设计Nicole (via 小红书)
The large leaves in varying shades of green are perfect against a white wall or neutral background. Add a tropical tone to your home with the Swiss Cheese plant. The plant does well in warm environments above 18℃ and humid conditions - perfect in Singapore! Make sure you keep the soil moist for the plant to grow well.
#6 Fiddle Leaf Fig
Photo from @宁波家装设计Nicole (via 小红书)
The Fiddle Leaf Fig is an extremely popular houseplant that thrives in warm and humid environments with lots of light. This plant is slightly harder to take care of as compared to the other plants on this list because it needs to be placed under direct sunlight and watered quite frequently.
Although some of these plants are sturdy and robust, do your research before purchasing any and make sure you have time to care for it! Find a spot in your home that allows the plants to get sunlight and watch out for pests that may gather around the plant. If all else fails, you can always get a fake one!
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Text by: GirlStyle SG