How I Shook Off Bad Habits & Be More Productive At Work
Ever since I turned 18, responsibilities and expectations sped up and I find myself in a race to keep up with the added pressure. Can't run away, can we? When adulting hits me, I rebelled and resisted, then I eventually learned to spread my wings and fly. These are what i learnt:
Don't spend too much time managing your inner health
The mental/emotional struggles, motivation & demotivation, even past failures and old successes. Those are all passe. Depart and move on. The grass is greener ahead.
1. Declutter Your Mind & Physical Space
According to the minimalism guideline, you're unlikely to wear clothes that you did not wear in the last 3 months. So with that, I threw away 80% of my clothes and other belongings that I used only once or twice a year. It was hard to part with some especially when it carries sentimental value.
Now, I don't really remember what I threw. I find myself using lesser time to find things, to decide what to wear and have more space to work with.
2. Maintaining A Clear Mind
If you have the tendency to be all over the place, (that sounds like me just a few months back) your goal is the ability to stay focus.
-Break your thoughts down into boxes and start noticing what consumes your mind and speech.
-Cut away the unhealthy little foxes that steal your joy and time. Don't do it anymore. It can be that one guy you cannot let go off, the argument in your head, or even injustices. Let it go~
-Create some goals on what you want to do more of (or less of)
Some of my goals:
-Lesser talking time
-More listening time
-Talk more about ideas, not people
-Jog for 15minutes
-Do things now (Don't say later)
3. Stabilising Emotions
Those who can manage their emotions well are usually more successful; they tend to say the right things at the right time. If your emotions tend to sway to the extremes, perhaps you need to take a step back and understand human interactions.
People can only hurt you when you give them the power to. They are people whom you love and trust. Do not be overly friendly or easily attached to new people in your life. Learn to manage turbulent emotions by practising healthy boundaries.
This, my dear friends, is also maturity. These 3 points deal with inner health and productivity.
The next 6 points are physical helps that attribute to productivity. While it takes time to manage the inside, here's what you can do physically now to save time and be more productive!
4. Pre-Planned Your Outfits For The Next Day
Plan your outfit or get more one-pieces, this will save you the time mixing and matching in the morning when you're likely to be grouchy and sleepy.
5. Don't Procrastinate 1-min Task
Don't think, but just do it. Chances are, you don't really want to do it if you are procrastinating. So with that, either you do it now or don't do it. Backlogging small tasks will only stress you up further.
6. Don't Hit Snooze
I turned off my aircon at 6.30am so the discomfort will wake me up. For a friend of mine, he drinks a big cup of water before bed so he wakes up in the middle of the night to use the toilet.
Aim to wake up to the sunlight and form a routine around it. Like, drink a glass of water, shower and check your to-do list on repeat for 21 days. For some, they go for a jog in the morning. The habit and routine are what makes a morning person.
7. Drink Plenty Of Water
Simply because you don't want to fall sick. You want to be in the best form possible every day. You want stronger and healthier body. So drink up!
8. Setting Boundaries
Learn to say no to your friends and keep your eyes fixated on your goals. Say your yes and nos at the right time and don't conform to peer pressure if you want productivity.
9. Stay Away From Blue Light/Electronics At Night
The blue light from your phone and electronic devices will tell your body to reduce production of melatonin; the hormone that makes you feel sleepy.
So if you want to be a morning person and have a healthy sleep cycle, put a boundary on yourself by limited electronic use by 9 pm.
10. Self-Love Is The Driver Of The Productivity Car
When you stop doubting yourself and spend more time and effort in loving yourself, you will feel more confident and empowered to do more.
Say, "I can do this, I will get it done."
Say, "I am not afraid, I have got this!"
Say, "I am who I am, I am not what others say I am."
Be unapologetically yourself.
Self-love is objective, it also means more me-time, investment in beauty or a hobby such as painting, reading or dancing~
Every day little victories make a difference.
Share your thoughts with us. If you have been through this or are through this right now, let us know your thoughts and experience on our Facebook post. Hope this helps!
Text By: Girlstyle SG