「Girls Struggle」 These 15 Things Are What Girls Hope Their Boyfriends Will Say
It's a struggle, "Should I tell him what I want? but would it be too direct? I don't want to appear naggy or demanding!" or "I'm gonna keep it to myself and wait for him to discover! But, what if he never ever realise?" It's gonna be short, I promise! (so he will read) Teehee.
1. "Good Morning" / "Good Night" texts.
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2. (Take the initiative to say) "Baby, let's take a picture!"
It will be a bonus if he adds a nice caption and posts it on his facebook/IG.
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Photo from rawpixel
3. Surprise you with a note that says, "I just want to dote on you"
He secretly remembers the things you like. Your favourite lipstick brands, beauty brands and actually give it to you. He remembers the little things that you do and say! <33
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Photo from pinterest
4. He surprises you with home delivery when you're sick and has to work!
This is not something verbal, in fact, it is extra sweet because actions are louder than words. This surprise tagged an invisible, "I love you babe, eat something until I can come to see you again. Thinking about you~"
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5. After a quarrel, he picks himself up again and says, "Easy baby, it's all good now." Bonus if he says, "I'm Sorry"
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6. “You Know What I Love About You?”
And he continues with a list of things he appreciates and loves about you. This cannot be every day or every week (don't be greedy or clingy girls!) but once in a while, it is a sweet rededication to the relationship for a long-term growth and companionship. Sounds good?
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7. "Dear, you look wonderful In The Dress"
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8. “No, you don't look fat.”
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9. “I'm Feeling…”
When he comfortably shares about his feelings, how his day went and include you in his decision-making. It's very attractive, it shows that he is mature and he trusts you and this gesture definitely will deepen the relationship and bond.
10. “We're In This Together.”
What boyfriend is he if he leaves you out of the fun or leaves you alone when you needed him?
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11. The genuine and light-hearted conversations about each one's ideas and thoughts and everything. Not just a post-conflict talk or to-iron-things-out talk. The duration matters to shows that he is interested in you and if he does it on a regular basis, he's a keeper.
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12. Nonsense but funny conversations.
"I will wrap you like a bao because you are my honey bao."
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13. "I’m sad that you didn’t succeed at that thing you were trying so hard for. I know you put in your time, heart and effort. I care about it because I know you how much it means to you."
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14. "Breakfast Ready, Dear"
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15. "I love the fact that you never cease to surprise me."
When he affirms and appreciates the things that you do, it is attractive and motivates you to keep on showing him love and appreciate. Girls, this should go both ways appreciate your man too! Even if your type of love is vulgarities and scolding, you can appreciate him in that context too.
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When a mature female feels loved by her special someone, she will naturally be the best of who she is. Women are like plants, it either becomes a well-watered plant or it withers and dies. Then, the guy will feel like the grass is greener on the other side. So guys, start 'watering' your girl with love and see her bloom.
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A relationship takes two hands to clap. Communicate, love and form some healthy habits today!
Text By: Girlstyle SG