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Wanna Be A Singapore Girl? 6 Sure Tips On How To Ace The SQ Interview!

Wanna Be A Singapore Girl? 6 Sure Tips On How To Ace The SQ Interview!

Beauty Lifestyle Hot Topics Makeup Tips
By christinelai on 15 Aug 2018

For many Singaporean girls, being a "SQ Girl" is like a childhood dream.  She is Singapore's very own ambassador in her iconic Kebaya, red nails and the perfectly coiffed bun. These ladies are formative element of Singapore's cultural identity and are a ubiquitous presence in our country's landscape.



Women's WeeklyPhoto from Women's Weekly



Being a SIA flight attendant is still one of the most coveted jobs in Singapore. It was a big thing when we were young girls. Ask anyone, and they might (or might not) admit that at some point of time, they too wanted to be a Singapore Girl.



The interviews however, are known to be notoriously difficult and many won't even be able to cross the first round.

Girls are known to be booted out without any reason given and had to go home disappointed. Some girls have even tried up to 10 times to pass the interview!

Good news is....we are here to help you!


For all the aspiring ladies out there, here are the latest 2018 interview requirements and tried-and-tested tips on how to ace that interview and nail that job!

Women's WeeklyPhoto from Women's Weekly



Interview Round One:



CleoPhoto from Cleo


The Height Test. This round is pretty straight forward. You get your height measured and if you clear, you're good to go. Height requirements are 1.58m for girls and 1.65m for guys. Tip-toeing won't help because they are super strict so don't bother.


Interview Round Two: 



New NationPhoto from New Nation



Girls will be split into groups of 10 and seated in a semi-circle around 2-3 interviewers. This round is pretty straight forward as well. All you need to do is to introduce yourself and answer a simple question from the interviewers.


The questions vary all the time and are on very general topics.


Questions asked could be : Where is your favourite travel destination and why. What is your favourite fruit, what are possible issues you might face on a plane and why you want to be an SQ girl.
Tip: Keep smiling, smiling, smiling and...smiling. (not in a fake way of course) But do manage a genuine and warm smile. The interviewers want a warm and pleasant personality. Be nice to everyone and maintain eye contact not only with the interviewer but all the candidates in the room too. In other words be friendly to all and don't act "dao".





Also act natural. Don't fake an accent or talk in a very contrived manner. Just a short and sweet answer will do. If you ramble or talk too much, it looks like you are trying too hard. The "correct" answer isn't important. They just want someone personable. Speak calmly, slowly and politely. Don't come on too strong. SQ likes "GUAI" people :)



Interview Round Three:

Singapore AirPhoto from Singapore Air



This is the debate round. Again in this round, do not be too strong and forceful though the name suggests "debate".


Remember. Guai. Sweet , nice and demure.


Interviewers expect you to smile and be non-aggressive while answering the questions. Also remember to always hold the doors open for anyone, greet everyone you see (including the other candidates) and smile to everyone. (I mean your face might hurt at the end of the day with all that stretching but it's gonna be worth it)





Interviewees will be put in groups of six and then later on three candidates will be pitted against the other three candidates.


Interviewers are also looking at how you interact with your fellow team mates because they want someone who is a team player.  So for Godsakes, please be nice to your team mates and be amiable ok?


Again your answer is not important so please don't be forceful. Smile alot, and speak in clear and concise English. Complicated vocabulary is not necessary. If your team mates want to speak, hold back, let them speak first. You will be surprised. The ones who give way and speak the least always get through. Don't be an attention grabber ok? Let someone else take the lead. You just follow.



Typical questions asked? "Brains or beauty. Which is better" or "Are Singaporeans very Kiasu. Yes or No".





Interview Round Four:



The Malaysian ReservePhoto from The Malaysian Reserve



The management round. In this round, there will usually be two interviewers. Sometimes old and sometimes young. But as the name suggests, they come from the SIA management.


Probable questions asked might be:

-Why do you want to be a cabin crew?

-How will you cope with fatigue and jet lag

-Can you accommodate irregular working hours?

-How do you keep yourself fit to prevent yourself from falling sick? ( Please at least pretend to be very fit and healthy *if you aren't* so the company knows you won't take MC regularly)

-How would you deal with an angry and unreasonable passenger?

-What are qualities about yourself that will make you a good cabin crew?



Again. SMILE





Tips: In your answers you can show that you are a healthy/well-balanced individual and exercise very often. Again, keep smiling and feel free to inject a little humour into the conversation, because if you can make the interviewers smile or laugh, your chances are high. Don't be too stiff or serious, be natural. Make eye contact and give genuine simple answers. Don't be too fake. Don't give contrived answers like : "Oh because I love to travel" (everyone also loves to travel what duh) or "I love to serve people". (really meh?)






Suggest something along the lines that you love new experiences, and you are always keen and eager to learn new things all the time, because yes, SQ loves it when girls are keen on learning and are teachable!



Interview Round Five:


New NationPhoto from New Nation


This is the physical check and also known as the "Kebaya Round". Basically, you wear a nice SQ Kebaya and you sashay around the room and let the interviewers check you. They will check your skin condition, for visible signs or scars or tattoos and your teeth. And of course to make sure you are in good physical shape so you fit the kebaya well!

Height and weight will be checked.


Tips: Stand up tall and straight and do not slouch please. Again, keep smiling and maintain gentle eye contact. 





 While you do not have to shake your hips like a latin dancer and sashay like you are on America's next top model, you certainly need to at least walk properly lah. 






Do not be "Chor Loh" (rough), just walk slowly and naturally and mind your steps. Take small gentle steps. While  you don't need to be a geisha, at least appear graceful ok?

They will scrutinise your skin closely to see if you have scars or pimples so please get adequate sleep one week before the interview, and use a good concealer.


We love MAC and Benefit. For more heavy duty coverage, use MAKEUP FOREVER CONCEALER PALETTE available from Sephora. Do not forget to cover the scars on your arms, wrists and even ankles too.



SephoraPhoto from Sephora


Appear smiley and nice as they inspect you because you should be able to be cool and calm under pressure.


If they should ask you if you are alright with 'cutting you hair', never say "NO" (even if you really don't want to). Just smile cheerfully and say ," Yes of course."





Good to go.


Interview Round Six:


This is the Medical Check up round. SQ sends you to the doctor to get all the essentials checked up to make sure you are fit and healthy to fly.


They will check your spine to make sure you don't have scoliosis (spine curvature). Even if you do, fret not. As long as it's mild scoliosis and below a certain angle, they will still take you in, as long as the doctor says yes.



Final Results take up to a month so just wait for their phone call.


Airline RatingsPhoto from Airline Ratings


Share all these tips and details with all your aspiring cabin crew friends and may you ladies take to those blue skies soon!












Girlstyle SG

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