Hrithik Roshan & Sussanne Khan Use Technology To Celebrate Their Son's Birthday Amid Nation Lockdown

Hrithik Roshan & Sussanne Khan Use Technology To Celebrate Their Son's Birthday Amid Nation Lockdown

Celebrity News
By kashish on 30 Mar 2020
Digital Editor
Kashish hold's a Bachelor's Degree in Mass Communication & Journalism. She has been working with the company since it's inception. Kashish writes lifestyle articles but is more inclined towards writing about makeup & all things fashion. When she is not busy in work, Kashish likes to read books or watch movies.

Birthdays are extremely special occasions for everyone. They are one opportunity for us to celebrate ourselves and have fun. usually for birthdays people plan parties, family outings, dinners, travel, etc but these days due to corona scare and nation wide lockdown, there are hardly any options left for anyone to plan and fulfil. But it seems actor Hrithik Roshan and his ex-wife Sussanne Khan managed to find a creative way to celebrate their son Hrehaan's birthday. The couple with their positive attitude and happy mind set figured out a way to make sure their family can be a art of their son's birthday even if they are all locked downing their house. 


Screenshot 2020-03-30 at 12.00.46 PMThe couple connected with their family members virtually to be able to include them all for Hrehaan's birthday. The actor took it to his Instagram account to share the video in which we can all their family members that couple connected through video calls. On one call we can see Rakesh and wife Pinky Roshan on the there other call we can see Sunaina Roshan (Hrithik's sister) & Pashmina Roshan & in last the other frame we can see Hrithik, Sussanne, Hrehaan & Hridhaan together, ready to celebrate the birthday.


The actor captioned the video as “28th March 2020 Hrehaan’s was a Happy Birthday. Thanks to a little adaptability, flexibility and technology. . God bless our children . There will be better days . .Love to all. .#keepgrowing #keeplearning #funtakeswork #stayhome #staypositive #happybirthday #hrehaanturnsfourteen #careforothers #givetimetotheelders.”

It's one of the most sweetest gesture and way to celebrate an occasion with our loved ones even if we all are miles away from each other and the actor proved so as well. During the times of crisis like this, we should all follow the rules implemented by government and requested by all the doctors. Even though it may seem too much to stay inside the house without any freedom but it is the best way we are able to show our respect and support to all the hard workers who are working day and night tirelessly at times like these.

Pictures- Instagram
Text- GirlStyle In