Actress Deepika Padukone Accuses Katrina Kaif Of Plagiarising & It's Hilarious

Actress Deepika Padukone Accuses Katrina Kaif Of Plagiarising & It's Hilarious

Celebrity News
By kashish on 27 Mar 2020
Digital Editor
Kashish hold's a Bachelor's Degree in Mass Communication & Journalism. She has been working with the company since it's inception. Kashish writes lifestyle articles but is more inclined towards writing about makeup & all things fashion. When she is not busy in work, Kashish likes to read books or watch movies.

The 21 days of lockdown has left rendered everyone with unimaginable free time and there is nothing that we can even do about it other than simply complying with it. The only form of entertainment left in our lives is using social media, reading books and taking up one or the other hobby which we once upon a time wanted to do but were #toobusytodoit. Not only us but even all your favourite celebrities are bored. But knowing that it is important and for the welfare of the nation, they are not only using this opportunity to spend time with their families but they are also using this opportunity to make funny videos, posts funny pictures that make people realise importance of staying at home and that also showcases all their fans, ways to get rid of boredom. The best of all is actress Deepika Padukone who started her Instagram series "Productivity in the time of COVID-19!".


The series started with simple episode where the actress shared one by one, list of things that can be done at home during lockdown but it seems that we won't be getting episode number 5 anytime soon, since Deepika accused actress Katrina Kaif of steal her episode number 5. While on any regular day, we would have thought that situation must be extremely serious for Deepika to be vocal about it on social media but once we took a look at the content of video stolen by Katrina, we could not control our laughter.

Recently actress Katrina Kaif posted a video of washing utensils herself since due to lockdown our house help cannot reach us. Just 3 days ago Katrina posted the video and expressed how grateful we are to have house help and that we should appreciate them. It seems that Deepika also had same idea for her Instagram series but since Katrina posted the video first, Deepika couldn't do it and hence she blamed Katrina for steal her content.


Just by looking at the video and Deepika's caption we were not able to control the laughter that bubble up in our stomachs. If this was not enough, actress Katrina Kaif also had a hilarious comeback to Deepika's accusation. The entire scenario was pretty comic and refreshing. Screenshot 2020-03-27 at 12.16.20 PM

Since the lockdown both the actresses along with various other celebs have taken up their social media to share case the ideas of how to spend time while staying at home and practicing social distancing.

Pictures- Instagram
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