5 Natural Products That Can Help You In Getting Rid Of Puffiness & Wrinkles Around Eyes!!

5 Natural Products That Can Help You In Getting Rid Of Puffiness & Wrinkles Around Eyes!!

Skin Care
By kashish on 27 Mar 2019
Digital Editor
Kashish hold's a Bachelor's Degree in Mass Communication & Journalism. She has been working with the company since it's inception. Kashish writes lifestyle articles but is more inclined towards writing about makeup & all things fashion. When she is not busy in work, Kashish likes to read books or watch movies.

Our beauty is one common factor that most of us pay most attention too and do not like to compromise with it. There are various aspects that come under beauty. We like to pay attention to the way our skin looks, its texture, scars, dark circles, blemishes, pores, etc. Our eyes are one of the most sensitive organ of our body and windows to our souls. Also they are the proof of our habits. As weird as it sounds, our eyes easily can convey our health conditions.


In this hectic lifestyle, there are various moments and instances when we are not able to sleep, are extremely stress, over work ourselves or simply run on caffeine. All these habits do us no good and most often we end up being extremely tired and all the sleep deprive which leads to our eyes getting painfully puffed up and we start developing crow feet at the side of our eyes. It causes our eyes to sting and look awful.

You can easily go to the nearest store around you get some dope serums which help you in the best possible way to get rid of all the puffiness and reduce crow feet, but it will definitely make your wallet weep or you can be smart and use the simple and yet common ingredients available at your home and get rid of stinking, puffy eyes and crow feet. The biggest reason that we suggest you to use natural products is the fact that natural ingredients have no side effect on your skin along with the fact that won't burn your pockets.

Take a look at some of the simple and beneficial ingredients that will aid you in maintaining your beauty without being expensive.

Green Tea Bags

mybeautygymPhoto from mybeautygym

Green tea is rich in anti-oxidants and is anti-inflammatory. It helps in reducing the puffiness along with getting rid of stinging.

Coffee Ice Cubes


ottosgranaryPhoto from ottosgranary

Frozen coffee cubes helps in lowering the swelling of blood vessels which further causes the swelling to go down. The cooling sensation also helps in reducing all the flammation around the eye along with reducing wrinkles.

Olive Oil

organic factsPhoto from organic facts

Olive oil is enriched with the goodness of vitamin E & K which helps in hydrating the under eyes.  They reduce the puffiness and provide relief.

Aloe Vera

organicfactsPhoto from organicfacts

Aloe vera is full of vitamins, minerals, enzymes and anti- inflammatory properties. The best way to use aloe is to extract the gel from its leaves and apply it underneath your eyes to get rid of all the puffiness.

Coconut Oil

drkylieburtonPhoto from drkylieburton

Coconut oil is a common cure for most of the skin troubles. Just apply a little on your finger tips and massage it thoroughly under and around your eyes. Not only int will moisturise the area but it provide relief from staining sensation and get rid of all the fine lines and puffiness.



Pictures- mybeautygym, ottosgranary,  organicfacts, drkylieburton
Text- GirlStyle IN