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Trendy 人氣熱話
By Vicky on 06 Jan 2020
Digital Media Editor

恭喜知名脫口秀主持人艾倫狄珍妮(Ellen DeGeneres)獲頒「電視類終身成就獎」!在台灣時間今日(6日),第77屆金球獎頒獎典禮於美國加州洛杉磯比佛利山比華利希爾頓酒店舉行頒獎典禮,由艾倫狄珍妮艾倫狄珍妮奪電視類終身成就獎,是艾倫入圍了三次金球獎以來,第一次成功獲得生涯首座金球獎座!


第77屆金球獎盛大舉行,而電視類的「終身成就獎」在今年頒發給《艾倫秀(英文:The Ellen DeGeneres Show)》的知名主持人艾倫狄珍妮(Ellen DeGeneres)。


latimesPhoto from latimes




theellenshow Photo from theellenshow


在主持人宣布電視類的終身成就獎由艾倫獲得後,艾倫攜手愛妻波蒂亞(Portia de Rossi)一同走上紅毯,並在接下獎座時,向大家不捨地表示,她希望將獎座「獻給澳洲」,因近日遭受森林大火侵襲的澳洲野生動物傷亡慘重,對於成立基金會幫助全球瀕臨絕種的動物的艾倫狄珍妮來說,感到非常痛心與不捨,因此她希望能夠透過自己的力量,也為澳洲祈福。


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#repost @gretathunberg ・・・ Australia is on fire. And the summer there has only just begun. 2019 was a year of record heat and record drought. Today the temperature outside Sydney was 48,9°C. 500 million (!!) animals are estimated dead because of the bushfires. Over 20 people have died and thousands of homes have burned to ground. The fires have spewed 2/3 of the nations national annual CO2 emissions, according to the Sydney Morning Herald. The smoke has covered glaciers in distant New Zealand (!) making them warm and melt faster because of the albedo effect. And yet. All of this still has not resulted in any political action. Because we still fail to make the connection between the climate crisis and increased extreme weather events and nature disasters like the #AustraliaFires That has to change. And it has to change now. My thoughts are with the people of Australia and those affected by these devastating fires.

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