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By Vicky on 22 Oct 2019
Digital Media Editor

《黑魔女2》是2014年電影《黑魔女:沉睡魔咒》的續集,由安潔莉娜裘莉、艾兒芬妮、蜜雪兒菲佛、奇維托艾吉佛、山姆萊利、艾德斯克林、伊美黛史道頓、茱諾坦普以及蕾絲莉蔓薇爾主演。而安潔莉納裘莉(Angelina Jolie)在近期續集上映之時也透過訪問表示,認為「黑魔女其實是另一位迪士尼公主!」而引起了熱議。現在,就讓V編帶大家一起來重溫《黑魔女》系列中的台詞與金句吧!

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This world is not because you can do, but what you should do.

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2.梅菲瑟: 「愛情不見得都會有好結果。」
Love doesn’t always end well, Beastie.


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3.「要不被事物的形體迷惑,這樣才能真正的認識敵人 。」
Or was the shape of things to confuse, so as to truly know the enemy.


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4.英格麗皇后:「我記得一個邪惡女巫的故事,她詛咒公主陷入長眠。 這個故事將成為傳奇,不再是童話。」
I remember the story of an evil witch, at the princess she cursed to sleep forever. The story became legend. But this is no fairy tale.


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In addition to Vivian, couldn't find another boy like me, not afraid of my eyes and horns,claws, so can only be her. I revoke my curse, let it be no more !


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A certain darkness is nedded to see the stars.


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It doesn't matter where it comes from, who loves it is important.


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8.梅菲瑟: 「喜歡陷害無辜的人多的是,像你們這種種族應該會同意。」
There are many who prey on the innocent. I’m sure your kind would agree.


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I fell in love with a girl in the forest... only her. I don’t want you change.


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Never distrust your instinct as a queen.


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