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「你是夜空中最亮的星♡」 10張星空桌布給你滿滿能量~用心靈小語來治癒你的心

「你是夜空中最亮的星♡」 10張星空桌布給你滿滿能量~用心靈小語來治癒你的心

By Winnie on 16 Oct 2019
Digital Editor

療癒又淨化心靈的 Wallpaper 手機桌布又來啦,這次小編將帶給你滿滿的星空+金句來溫暖每個人的心,讓你在夜裡不感到孤單,反而被治癒了♡

「Never stop looking up.」永不放棄向前看

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「The littlest things is where we find the most joy.」從微不足道的事裡也能找到最大的快樂。

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「I'll search the universe.」不管妳在哪,我都會找到你-EXOUniverse

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「If you change the way you look at things the things you look at will change.」如果你改變你看待事情的方式,那麼你看待的事情也將會改變。

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「Perhaps this is the season to make the time to do, Those beautifully honest things that have long been calling you.」也許你該抽出時間去做那些長期以來一直在呼喚你的美麗事物。

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「No reason to stay, is a good reason to go.」沒有留下的理由,是離開的最好理由。

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「If we're together even an endless maze is paradise.」只要我們在一起,即使是無盡的迷宮也是天堂。

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this universe is so big yet somehow i found you.」宇宙是如此的大,我們卻能遇見。

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「Although you are very small and your kind have existed in the universe for only a short time, you are an important part of something very large and very beautiful.」雖然你很渺小,且你在整個宇宙中只是短暫的存在,但你卻是個非常重要且美麗的的一部分。

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