8 Tips On How To Be Productive & Not Procrastinate When Working From Home
In light of COVID-19, many companies have instructed their employees to work from home either on a rotational basis or temporarily to maintain social distancing.
Some may be happy that they won't have to wake up earlier to travel to work but others who know they will procrastinate are probably having a hard time adjusting to doing work at home.
Thus, here are some useful tips on how to be productive and fight procrastination when working from home.
Read on to find out more!
#1 Wake up at least one hour before starting on work
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Set your alarm one hour before you want to officially start on work so that you have ample time to laze around in bed, prepare or have breakfast then wash up so that you feel awake and ready to take on any challenges.
#2 Change out of your pyjamas
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PJs are too comfortable and will just make you feel lethargic! Change out of your pyjamas so that you don't feel the urge to lay down on your bed or couch and end up procrastinating.
#3 Don't do work on your bed
Photo from Pinterest
Fight the urge to want to take a nap or lay on the bed by doing work away from your bed. We recommend doing your work in the living room or anywhere in your home where you won't be able to see the bed.
If you really need to be in your bedroom, make sure you work at a desk instead of sitting on your bed.
#4 Take your lunch on time
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If you are used to having your lunch at a certain timing every day while at work, try to stick to that lunch timing even while working from home. Don't break this routine as you might just lose track of time and work non-stop without having a meal. It will also deplete your energy if you don't eat, making you feel tired quicker.
So, make sure you take a break and have a hearty lunch before continuing your work to feel even more energised for the rest of the day!
#5 Snack if you have to
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For those who feel fidgety after sitting down for a few hours, try munching on some tidbits or healthy snacks to keep yourself awake. When your hands are busy with picking up the snack and putting it into your mouth, you won't feel as distracted from other external sources and will be able to focus on your work better.
#6 Connect with your colleagues
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If working from home makes you feel lonely, check up on your colleagues by texting or calling them so that you still feel connected to work and the outside world. Know that this ordeal will not last and things will go back to normal soon, so try to make full use of the solitude you get from working from home.
#7 Take small breaks in between
Photo from Pinterest
Look away from your laptop or take a stroll in your home when you start to feel tired. Let your eyes and body rest for five minutes and you will feel better to continue working.
#8 Know when to log off
Photo from Pinterest
It's easy to get carried away when you are not in an office environment so set an alarm to remind yourself when to log off and stop working for the day.
We hope these tips are helpful and that you will be more productive from now onwards when working from home!
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Text by: GirlStyle SG