The Green Party Has Launched A Cuddly Capybara Collection With Fuzzy Bags, Cushions & Keyrings
In recent years, The Green Party has solidified its status as something of a plushie heaven. Even though the store carries a pretty wide range of trendy household goods and accessories, it's most recognisable for always having rows upon rows of stuffed animals. Lately, the franchise has welcomed an extremely adorable Capybara collection to its lineup, and believe us when we say that the merchandise is so cute, it's dangerous (for our wallets)!
Ready to go capybara, capybara capybara capybara capybara-ing up and down the store? Scroll on to check out some of the cutest items we found from the collection.
Capybara Pouches
Photo from GirlStyle Singapore
Never lose your favourite beauty products or stationery again when you store them in this capybara's big head, literally! You can get this Capybara Pouch at $16.90.
Fuzzy Capybara Bags
Photo from GirlStyle Singapore
Tote around your daily essentials in style with this Capybara Head Bag ($22.90), which comes with a mini see-through window in place of the capybara's snout. Don't want anyone to see what's in your bag? Opt for the equally fuzzy Capybara Bag ($10.90) instead.
Capybara Keyrings
Photo from GirlStyle Singapore
Photo from GirlStyle Singapore
There's always room for a new keyring, especially when they're as cute as these Capybara Keyrings (from $7.90)! These come in a range of varying designs so you and your besties can grab matching pieces. Did someone say #capybesties?
Capybara Plushies & Cushions
Photo from GirlStyle Singapore
If being huggable was an offence, these Capybara Plushies ($14.90) and Capybara Cushions ($10.90) would likely be illegal. Go on, we know you want to take them home for extra back, neck, or emotional support.
More adorable finds to fill up your holiday wishlist: