The Try Guys' Ned Admits To Cheating On His Wife After Twitter Uncovers "Evidence"
Even for the most casual viewer of YouTubers The Try Guys, Ned Fulmer's on-screen devotion to his wife Ariel is apparent. With an image of a lovey dovey relationship and Ned's signature constant mention of "my wife", the news of Ned's infidelity is particularly shocking.
Earlier this morning on 28 September, Ned Fulmer admitted to cheating on his wife in a "consensual workplace relationship" in an Instagram post.
Photo from @nedfulmer via Instagram
At the same time, Ariel Fulmer posted a statement asking for privacy for the sake of their two children.
Photo from @arielmfulmer via Instagram
The Try Guys have also announced that Ned will no longer be working them, citing that they did not "see a path forward together" after an internal review.
How Was Ned's Cheating Discovered?
You might be curious as to why all this went public, and that might be thanks to a clubber who allegedly caught Ned Fulmer kissing another woman and took a video of it.
This "evidence" and other observations pointing to Ned's affair was compiled in a now deleted Reddit thread and subsequently posted in a Twitter thread on 26 September.
Photo from hamilton390 via Reddit
To add to the suspicions, fans noticed that Ned was left out on the latest The Try Guy videos and appeared to be edited out of some of their content. Later, the other three talents - Eugene, Keith and Zach - unfollowed Ned on social media.
Who Did Ned Cheat On His Wife With?
Photo from @aaherring via Instagram
While nothing has been proven yet, the Twittersphere seems to believe that the woman who was in that "consensual workplace relationship" with Ned is Alexandria Herring, an associate producer of The Try Guys.
This claim is supported by how The Try Guys employees have unfollowed her as well. Alexandria's fiancé, Will Thayer, has also unfollowed her and removed all pictures of them together on his Instagram.