#Selfiemania- 7 Tips To Click Perfect Mirror Selfie Like A Pro!!

#Selfiemania- 7 Tips To Click Perfect Mirror Selfie Like A Pro!!

By kashish on 22 Jan 2019
Digital Editor
Kashish hold's a Bachelor's Degree in Mass Communication & Journalism. She has been working with the company since it's inception. Kashish writes lifestyle articles but is more inclined towards writing about makeup & all things fashion. When she is not busy in work, Kashish likes to read books or watch movies.

What started as a trend among youth is now not less than an art that not all can master. Yes, clicking selfies is an art which require lots of practice and knowledge. The trend of clicking selfies is a rage among the youngsters all around the world but the lesser known fact is that, the trend of clicking mirror selfies was discovered long back before even the concept of selfie was brought out.


The concept of clicking pictures in the mirror was developed years by all the fashion junkies who wanted to capture and show case their entire ensemble. The lack of front cameras and the pain of stretching hands with reverse camera, gave birth to this amazing trend of clicking pictures through mirror and since then the trend never took backseat.

Most of us love showing off our outfits through mirror selfies or love clicking selfies on mirror just because they look amazing but the trouble pops up when we cant get the perfect picture we are aiming for. While we can easily ask any person or friend to click a good picture, the benefit of clicking mirror selfie is that we get to be full control of the way we want the picture. A good mirror selfie can definitely be an instant hit on your Instagram. In order to ace that picture perfect supermodel look we share with you some tips to click the most amazing mirror selfies, better take a notes!!

Keep in check about the angles

popsugarPhoto from popsugar

Don't be shy in finding out which angles work the best for you. Before clicking the selfie take few trials and check which angle works the best for you. It is aerial view, holding camera down or holding it up to provide an unobstructed view of your outfit or downwards to the side to capture your outfit and slaying expression.

Make sure the mirror is clean

pinterestPhoto from pinterest


You cannot click a perfect selfie through dirty or blurred mirror. Make sure your mirror is clean. You won't like dust particles covering your face or parts of your outfits and hindering the proper view.

Any mirror will work

whowhatwearPhoto from whowhatwear

You don't have to stick to any particular mirror on a particular corner of your house. These days you will find mirror and reflective surfaces everywhere. From lifts to high rise buildings mirrors are available everywhere. Just find your best angle, pose and click the picture.

Look at the mirror not at lens

crazytogetherPhoto from crazytogether

For capturing the best selfie, it is suggested by various supermodels to avoid looking at the lens. Rather focus on the mirror and pose. The selfie will look natural and will showcase not only your outfit but your expressions as well.

Mirror selfie can be of any length


voguePhoto from vogue

Just because you are clicking a mirror selfie it is not  mandatory for the selfie to showcase your entire length. You can show off your new accessories or your amazing and expensive top by focus on the upper part of your body or use small length mirror. There is no hard and fast rule to showcase entire body in mirror selfie.

Stick to the spot

okbetPhoto from okbet

If there is a particular mirror at your home that helps in capturing the perfect selfie stick to it. You don't have to find different mirror or spot for every mirror selfie you click. one spot also works just fine as long as you get good background, cool lighting and space.


pinterestPhoto from pinterest

Do not forget to pose. You can sit, stand, dance, jump, etc and do anything you like. Your mirror, your rules. So do not become shy and pose freely. Show your smile, bitch resting face, high jump, calves, etc no one will stop you.


Pictures- pinterest, okbet, vogue, whowhatwear, crazytogether, popsugar
Text- GirlStyle IN