7 Must Have Superfoods For Healthy Body And Weight Loss

7 Must Have Superfoods For Healthy Body And Weight Loss

By kashish on 01 Sep 2018
Digital Editor
Kashish hold's a Bachelor's Degree in Mass Communication & Journalism. She has been working with the company since it's inception. Kashish writes lifestyle articles but is more inclined towards writing about makeup & all things fashion. When she is not busy in work, Kashish likes to read books or watch movies.

Also known as Nutritional Powerhouse, Superfoods have never-ending benefits. It is really important to consume superfoods for a healthy lifestyle. Not only these superfoods provide us with nutrients but they are also helpful in preventing the body from diseases in the long run and help in weight loss. These superfoods are easily available therefore they must be consumed regularly for a healthy lifestyle. here is the list of 7 superfoods that you can consume daily since they are easily available.



BBCGoodFoodPhoto from BBCGoodFood

Even though it might not be tasty, it is extremely healthy. Broccoli is the one vegetable that that is full of vitamins, fibre and disease-fighting compounds. Broccoli has a high level of Vitamin C and folate. You can easily incorporate broccoli in your day to day meal plan.

Greek Yoghurt 

EMeals BlogPhoto from EMeals Blog

Greek yoghurt is full of probiotics and proteins. It is a creamier and thicker version of a normal version. It helps in improving digestion and immunity system.



IndiaMart Photo from IndiaMart

You all must be aware of this bright yellow spice. Turmeric is not only food but it is also a well know medicine. Turmeric reduces inflammation, works as antiseptic, makes skin, heart and brain health and reduces joint pains. Turmeric should be consumed with milk every day for constant results.

Chia Seeds

ANDPhoto from AND

Though originated in Central America, Chia seeds are small yet powerhouse packed of full health benefits. Chia seeds are a great source of omega-3, regulated diabetes prevents heart diseases and even has anti-aging properties.


MedicalNewsTodayPhoto from MedicalNewsToday

Lentils or as we call them Daal are high in nutrients prevents anaemia and cause our blood sugar level to spike low thus giving us loads of energy.



Strawberry, blueberry, etc all these berries have disease-fighting power. They are packed with Vitamin C. They build immunity against diseases and prevents cancer and heart attacks.


FODMAP EverydayPhoto from FODMAP Everyday

Oats are high in nutrients, fibre and antioxidants. They help in lowering cholesterol level, increase metabolism and aid in digestion.  Oats if consumed for breakfast give loads of energy and keep us full for a longer period of time.

Pictures-BBCGoodFood, FODMAP Everyday, HILIQ, MedicalNewsToday, AND, IndiaMart, EMealsBlog
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