10 Tips Every Woman Should Know While Dressing Up For Office!!

10 Tips Every Woman Should Know While Dressing Up For Office!!

By kashish on 14 Jan 2019
Digital Editor
Kashish hold's a Bachelor's Degree in Mass Communication & Journalism. She has been working with the company since it's inception. Kashish writes lifestyle articles but is more inclined towards writing about makeup & all things fashion. When she is not busy in work, Kashish likes to read books or watch movies.

The way you dress is the way you are mostly perceived. Even at the times so modern, it is extremely important to maintain the decorum of a place by dressing up appropriately according to surroundings and occasion. While a dress will be the best outfit to wear while for an outing , it won't be the suitable for playing sports and while athleisure will look good for a walk, it won't be the option for office.


Office is professional place where it is important to be taken seriously and in order for that to happen one must be dressed appropriately according to their environment and to match her position. Even though nowadays there are various offices that allow their employees to wear casuals and athleisures, most offices still prefer their employees to be dressed in formal attires, keeping in mind about the profession they follow.

The way you dress for your office up helps you in creating strong impression over colleagues and also help you finding your standing. Take a note of few tips that can be helpful in understanding the tricks of dressing up for office.

pinterestPhoto from pinterest

Always wear clothes that are of your size. No matter how comfortable large clothes are or how your shrinked your recent expensive purchase, do not wear any piece of clothing that is not of your size.

romanjweleryPhoto from romanjwelery

Do not over accessorize yourself. You are going to work and not for a party. Simple studs with a chain and one or two rings will be more than enough. You do not want to distract people with the clinking of your bangles.

baubles,bubblesandbagsPhoto from baubles,bubblesandbags


Always carry a clean brief case that is not filled up till brim with your personal belongings. Carry only the stuff that you will need the most. The last thing you want is for your colleagues to see all the mess inside your bag.

pinterestPhoto from pinterest

Make sure to wear the colours that create the impression of strong authority. Dark colours are mostly suitable to wear in office rather than vibrant or flashy colours.

werting.pwPhoto from werting.pw

Always wear clean shoes. Not only men but women are also judged by the kind of footwear they wear to office.

pinterestPhoto from pinterest

Always wear appropriate length of clothing. Looking sexy is not bad but office is not the right place to look sexy. Make sure to keep in check the hemline of your blouses and skirts. You want people to remember you for your had work and efforts and not your sexy clothing.

pinterestPhoto from pinterest


Wear a watch. Not only it is simple and classy but it is the only common accessory that is worn by people of all the genders.

pinterestPhoto from pinterest

Do not come to office with wet hair. Messy hair give out an impression of messy life. It is the sign of being unorganized.

seventeenmagazinePhoto from seventeenmagazine

If you wear glasses then make sure they fit you properly and are not continuously falling off your nose. That can be extremely distracting to others and it wont create good impression.

dermstorePhoto from dermstore

Do not use strong perfumes or cologne. While you smell good you do not want to cause irritation to others with your strong smelling perfumes.



Pictures- dermstore, pinterest, seventeenmagazine, baubles,bubblesandbags, werting.pw, romajewelery
Text- GirlStyle IN