5 Reasons Why Conditioning Your Hair Is Extremely Important

5 Reasons Why Conditioning Your Hair Is Extremely Important

By kashish on 11 Jan 2019
Digital Editor

There are a large number of people who skip on conditioning their hair after every hair wash. It is important to know that hair are one of the most exposed part of our body and are prone to excessive damage. They become dry, dull, tangled, thin, etc due to winds, sun rays, heat, chemically rich hair products, etc thus it is extremely important to provide them with some tic after all that they go through.


People have a thought process that conditioning can make their hair greasy, full of dandruff, make them flat, etc but the reality is dar from what they think. Conditioners help in repairing and saving hair from all the damage that occurs making them look glossy, healthy and soft.

Protect hair

stylecrazePhoto from stylecraze

Conditioner protects the hair by forming a protective layer around hair. It saves hair from getting dull and dry under harsh winds and sun rays. It saves hair from slip ends and excessive breakage due to chemical hairstyling products, flat irons and heating rods.

Makes hair glossy

pinterestPhoto from pinterest

Conditioner hales in making hair strong and smooth. It helps in reducing all the dryness and brittleness from the hair and when hair become soft they become lustrous.


De-tangles hair

metroeve.comPhoto from metroeve.com

There are chances of excessive hair fall when hair are tangled. Conditioner makes hair smooth and softer enough to get detangled easily with less force making them comparatively easy to deal with.

Hydrates hair

stylecrazePhoto from stylecraze

When hair cuticles become dull and dry, hair become extra frizzy, brittle and get tangled easily. Therefore it is important to condition hair. Hair conditioner provides hair with all the nourishment that can make hair soft, healthy and glossy. Just the way our body requires moisturisers to prevent it from drying,  in the sim liar way conditioners hydrate hair and all the cuticles.

Makes hair softer

hbr.coPhoto from hbr.co

Conditioners hydrate hair, detangles them and thus makes them softer and smoother. They get rid of all the brittleness from the hair and the end result is softer and glossy hair.


Pictures- pinterest, stylecraze, her.co, metroeve.com
Text- GirlStyle IN