Celebrities Share 6 Tips To Click Perfect Selfies!!

Celebrities Share 6 Tips To Click Perfect Selfies!!

By kashish on 10 Jan 2019
Digital Editor
Kashish hold's a Bachelor's Degree in Mass Communication & Journalism. She has been working with the company since it's inception. Kashish writes lifestyle articles but is more inclined towards writing about makeup & all things fashion. When she is not busy in work, Kashish likes to read books or watch movies.

Selfies have become a social media trend. Snapchat, Facebook, Instagram, etc all other social media are mostly flooded by selfies and if the trend was not enough, some celebrities alone have managed to make it a rage.


Now it is extremely important to know that there are some ground rules that must definitely be followed while clicking selfies to get that perfect picture. First, do not shy away from showing yourself no matter you look like a homeless hippie or red carpet ready. Secondly, feel free to click candid like selfies. Your phone, your face and your rules, feel free to be creative. Third, don't be conscious if you have assets a little display won't hurt anybody, as long as you know the level of appropriateness. Fourth, do not let your environment affect you. If you want to click a selfie, go ahead and click it. It doesn't matter if you are in a bus, park or attending some rock concert.

Celebrities are as familiar with camera as we are with our wardrobes. They know and have managed to master the art of clicking the perfect selfie that can rock their social media page. And now that you are aware with the basic rules of clicking a selfie, takes look at some of the tips shared by the celebrities on how to get that Social media-worthy perfect selfie.


spectrumPhoto from spectrum

When clicking a selfie, always make sure to look for the best lightings. Selfie is clicked with the purpose to showcase oneself and therefore you need the best nights to highlight all your features. Take a look at your surroundings and click selfie at the spot where lightings are the best. It can be artificial light, sunlight, etc anything kind of light will support your selfie.


seventeenmagazinePhoto from seventeenmagazine


Angles matter a lot. You cannot expect to get the perfect picture at any random angle. You can keep your phone a little higher than your face or a little lower to avoid it looking like a mug shot. Also always angle your phone towards the point where lights hit your face the best.


makewhitecottonPhoto from markwhitecotton

Do not shy away from cropping even if it is a selfie. If you do not like something in your picture then feel free to crop it and post the best part of the picture that is you. You do not need extra background or someone's body part bombing your selfie, crop them out!


candytechPhoto from candytech

Every person have different jawline and face shape. Before clicking your selfie find your best profile; Right, left, up, down or at the front.  Find the best profile of yourself to click a selfie to showcase your beautiful face and jawline. For example, almost every image of actress Katrina Kaif showcases her left profile.


independent.iePhoto from independent.ie

Confidence is the ultimate key. Do not be shy or demure. You are beautiful, just let the world see it. Be confident and bold while clicking your selfies. Nobody is perfect, it just the right confidence that makes them look beautiful. Even celebrities click hundreds of selfies and find the perfect one from it to post it on social media.


komando.comPhoto from komando.com

You don't need to make a duck face or a poker face because everyone is doing that. Allow your expressions to define your mood and environment and make your selfie look perfect. Be goody smiley, angry and sad if that is what you are feeling Genuine expressions make the picture look even better.



Pictures- komando.com, seventeen magazine, candy tech, independent.ie, markwhitecotton, spectrum
Text- GirlStyle IN