7 Easy & Simple Tips To Fight Hair Loss!!

7 Easy & Simple Tips To Fight Hair Loss!!

By kashish on 08 Jan 2019
Digital Editor
Kashish hold's a Bachelor's Degree in Mass Communication & Journalism. She has been working with the company since it's inception. Kashish writes lifestyle articles but is more inclined towards writing about makeup & all things fashion. When she is not busy in work, Kashish likes to read books or watch movies.

It is common occurrence to see few strands of hair falling every time you comb but you must get alert when there are more than just a few strands. Hair loss is one of major hair problem faced by most of the people. On an average a person tends to loose nearly 100 strands of hair but one must start concerning if there are more hair that hundred.


Most people suffer major hair loss due to the fact that they are not aware about the proper methods and ways to take care of their hair properly. lack of knowledge definitely causes harm, it can be related to hair or to anything else in life.

There are various other reasons that can be equally responsible for the hair thinning and to curb the problem for once and all take note of few ways to properly take care of your hair in the proper manner.

Hair Massage

girlglossPhoto from girlgloss

Include hair massage in your routine at leats once a week. Heat some essential oil of your choice and invest your time in massaging in into your scalp properly.

Massaging oil in the scalp helps the hair follicles to absorb it and keep hair hydrated. Massaging helps in increasing blood circulation which makes the roots stronger and thus prevents the hair from falling.

Proper Diet


bbcgoodfoodPhoto from bbcgoodfood

It is extremely important to have proper diet in order to stop hair loss.  Intake protein, vitamin, omega and biotin  rich diet for strong, shiny and long hair. Protein makes the hair strong while omega makes hair glossy and biotin saves hair from excessive falling.

Hair Masks & Packs

Hair get dry and become dull due to pollution, hot hair, humidity and ignorance. Try and nourish your hair minimum once a week with some home made and natural hair masks or hair packs. They are made up of natural products therefore are more affective and the chances of having some side effect is none.

Do Not Comb Wet Hair

lifetimestylesPhoto from lifetimestyles

While;e hair are wet, they are most vulnerable and so you should never comb them. Always comb your hair properly before going for shower and allow your hair to dry naturally before trying to detangle them.

Avoid Heat Styling


byrdiePhoto from byrdie

Heat is not good for hair.  Blow drying, using hot rods or flat irons causes the hair to become dry, thin and easy to break. They also cause hair to split. Try to avoid using hot styling rods and irons frequently and always make sure to use heat protective serums before using the hot products.

Protect Hair From Exposure

Uv rays can cause damage to hair just the way they do to skin. The harsh sun rays cause the hair colour to dull, hair to become brittle and fall. They also make hair shafts dry. Therefore always try to wear some cap or some cover up to protect your hair from strong sunlight.

Take Supplements

hehealthedgePhoto from hehealthedge

Sometimes so happens that all the nutrients we intake through our diet do not effect entire body and so to makeup for that lose in nutrients it is better to take health supplements regularly for best results and healthy lifestyle.

Pictures- thehealthedge, lifetime styles, girl gloss, bbcgoodfood, byrdie
Text- GirlStyle IN