5 Tips To Prevent Acne During Winter season!!

5 Tips To Prevent Acne During Winter season!!

Skin Care
By kashish on 12 Dec 2018
Digital Editor
Kashish hold's a Bachelor's Degree in Mass Communication & Journalism. She has been working with the company since it's inception. Kashish writes lifestyle articles but is more inclined towards writing about makeup & all things fashion. When she is not busy in work, Kashish likes to read books or watch movies.

Acne are the major problem for people during all times of the year. They are painful, cause irritation and redness on the skin and they even leave scars behind. It is usually that people with oily skin suffer most with acne issues because of excessive secretion of oils from their sebaceous glands, but it will be a mistake to think that people with dry skin do not suffer from the same problem. When people have clogged pores due to dry skin then they also end up with acne.


There are different types of skincare products available in the market which help in getting rid of acne. But the problems with all those skincare products is that most of the times those products cause side-effects of they worsen the condition of the skin.

During winter season the skin has to face harsh cold winds, room heat, dry air and deal with dry skin. People with both oily and dry skin need to take care of their skin, making sure that it gets all the hydration and care is requires to avoid  acne. People with normal skin also sometimes find themselves battling with acne and it is due to the phenomenon called "seasonal acne". In seasonal acne people develop acne due to the effect of weather conditions.

It is always said that prevention is better than cure and nothing can be more honest than the said. It is better to take prevention rather than trying to fight acne on the skin. During winter season people develop acne not because off excessive oil present on their skin but due to the lack of it. When the skin starts getting dry it clogs all the pores and thus the clogged pores result in acne. Take a look at few tips that can help you in preventing the development of acne on your skin.

Cleansing & Moisturising

beautyhookedPhoto from beautyhooked

Winter air is known to carry dirt and grim that stick on the face along with the dry skin and clog pores. Clogged pores leads to acne. It is suggested to use deep cleaning and hydrating cleansers at the end of day to clear the skin from all the dust particles.

Moisturising is important to keep the skin from becoming dry and dull. The drier the skin the more the chances of acne!


Over Scrubbing

dailyvanityPhoto from dailyvanity

The cold winds and room heaters already rob skin of all the natural oil and moisture. To avoid dull and dry skin, it is recommended to not over scrub the skin. Id you have oily skin then exfoliating skin twice a week is more than enough and if you dry skin then you should exfoliate your skin once in every two weeks.

Green Tea

irishexaminerPhoto from irishexaminer

Green tea is know to contain antioxidants and anti-mircrobal properties. Green tea is full of numerous benefits. It is better to wash away all the acne causing bacterias and dirt that is deep within the skin by using green tea.

Prepare green tea and let it cool down. Once cool, you can wash your face with it. Not only it refresh your face but it will also save you from developing acne.

Homemade Face Masks


beautyhealth.tipsPhoto from beautyhealth.tips

As told in the earlier context that all the skin care products available in the market have higher chances of causing side effects of worsening the condition due to the fact they are not made to suit your particular face type and therefore will cause more harm than benefit.

The best way is to prepare face packs and masks at home with natural food products that are available in your home. You can prepare walnut scrub, yogurt and rose face pack, curd and potato mask, carrot and honey mask, etc. Not only all these natural products will nourish your skin making it glow naturally but they will also not cause any side effect.

Hot Water & Fragrance Lotions

boilersworcesterPhoto from boilersworcester

Using hot water to wash your face is a big no during winter season. It might be comfortable but hot water tends to dry out the skin and drier the skin the more chances of acne.

Using lotions, perfumes and creams that have beautiful aromas are also not recommended because they can cause irritation on the skin and that further cracks the skin making it red and dry. Vulnerable skin is more prone to acne.


Pictures- boilersworcester, beautyhooked, dailyvanity, beautyhealth.tips, irishexaminer
Text- GirlStyle IN