6 Life Saving Remedies To Get Rid Of Scars Easily!!

6 Life Saving Remedies To Get Rid Of Scars Easily!!

Skin Care
By kashish on 10 Dec 2018
Digital Editor

Scars are the proof of a person's hardship.


The above quotation sounds definitely good but there is not much truth in it. For some people scars are their pride but for some people the case is not the same. Scars are formed when our body attempts to heal itself and the tissues regenerate. When the different layers of human skin is damaged then the body leads to the formation of collagen fibre that further become scar later on. The visibility of scar depends on the injury and amount of collagen produced by the body. The badder the injury, the more collagen is produced and therefore the more scar is visible and visa versa.

It is not at all practical to get surgery in order to get rid of various small scars that decorate our body but one of easiest option to get rid of scars is by following some simple tips that are most definitely effective.


intotheglossPhoto from intothegloss

Human skin is extremely sensitive inspite of being constituted with 7 layers. Even though it can withstand the harsh weather and extreme conditions, there are limitations to what all adversaries it can bear.Ultra violet rays are something that have been harmful for human skin since the start of the time and they still cause the same negative and harsh effects. Every time human skin is exposed to sun, the skin starts getting tanned due to increase in melanin and the scars present in the body start getting pigmented. The UV rays also cause the regenerative cells to slow . Therefore, it is important to apply sunscreen every time you decide to leave your house.

Essential Oil

upnaturePhoto from upnature


Essential oils are full composed of anti-inflammatory, healing, astringent and anti-septic properties. Oils like sandalwood and lavender support the process of regeneration and healing. Regularly massaging the essential oils on the effected area can reduce scars after some point of time and eventually fades them away.

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is known to have strong healing and anti-inflammatory properties. It has been used from centuries for various medical purposes. Aloe vera gel helps in regeneration by increasing the speed of healing and it is also antiseptic. Apply aloe vera gel directly on the effected area on regular basis and soon all the scars start getting reduced.


livestrong.comPhoto from livestrong.com

One of the most important thing is that, drier the skin the badly scar is visible. Every injury and scar should be hydrated to prevent from scarring. Oils contain various minerals that help in collagen production and in healing. Make it a habit to regularly massage either olive or coconut oil on the skin. Not only the skin will be nourished and scars will start reducing but the skin will also start to glow a little naturally.


southernlivingPhoto from southernliving


Lemon is known for it's anti-bacterial properties. It is one of the best product to get rd of discolouration and pigmentation. Rub a lemon wedge on the effected area and leave it for 10 minutes before washing it off. Lemon is a famous bleaching agent as well and it helps in fading away the scar gradually with regular use.

Onion Extract

stylecrazePhoto from stylecraze

Onion gel or extract are known to reduce the scars rapidly. They are anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and have healing properties.They are known to soften the scarred tissues without any side effect. It is suffused to apply the gel or extract thrice a day for better and quick results.

Apple Cider Vinegar

healthlinePhoto from healthline

Apple cider vinegar has quick healing properties. Mix few tablespoon of distilled water with some teaspoons of apple cider vinegar and dab it over the scar with cotton ball. Leave it for 15 minutes before washing it off with Luke warm water. Do this regular and too n you will be scar free.



Pictures- health line, style craze, livestroing.com, southern living, intothegloss, up nature, womensok.com
Text- GirlStyle IN