5 Benefits Of Using Green Tea For Skin & Hair Care

5 Benefits Of Using Green Tea For Skin & Hair Care

By kashish on 30 Nov 2018
Digital Editor

In this modern world, people are going gaga over vegan, organic and natural products. Often regarded as Superfoods, they are powerhouse of nutrients. One of the most common and known superfood is green tea. Green tea is one of the most used health beverage. It is packed with solid anti-oxidants, nutrients which will benefit body, beauty and health.


Green tea is known to protect body against pollution, sun rays, de-stresses and calms mind. Along with all of it, green tea also benefits our skin and health. Let's take look.

Treats Puffiness & Dark Circles

timesnowPhoto from timesnow

Take few green tea bags, cool them and apply them on your eyes and let them rest. Green tea contains tannis that shrinks all the blood vessels thus reducing the dark circles and puffiness from around the eyes.

Helps In Hair Growth

stylecrazePhoto from stylecraze

Green tea hinders the growth of all the hair fall causing bacteria. Make green tea at home and rinse hair with it after shampoo and conditioning. The vitamins present in the green tea makes hair lustrous and soft and allows them growth nicely.


Cures Acne

indiatvPhoto from indiatv

Brew some green tea and allow it to cool. Once cool apply the tea on your face to reduce tiredness and to clean face. You can swap your regular toner with green tea. It will refresh the skin and cool it down.

Cures Sunburns

jilleePhoto from jillee

Green tea is a natural sunscreen. It prevents all the free radicals to set between the skin cells that further cause rashes, chaffing and sunburns.

Boil 2 cups of water with 1/2 cup of green tea and allow it to cool. Once the tea cools down you can apply it with cotton ball on your affected area and on face. Store the excess in an airtight container.


hairbotoxtreatmentPhoto from hairbotoxtreatment

Green tea has anti-oxidants and antiseptic qualities that prevent the growth of dandruff and psoriasis on the skin thus reducing dandruff, inflammation and other hair problems. It even prevents males baldness.


Pictures- timesnow, stylecraze, jillee, indiatv, hairbotoxtreatment
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