7 Fashion Mistakes That Every Girl Should Avoid Making!!
Every girl likes to consider herself as a stylish person. Girls like to spend on fashionable and trendy accessories, colorful and funky clothes, different types of footwears and handbags. Sometimes what girls don't realise is, that not all trend or style are suitable for them. In the world full or legendary and budding designers, there is a never ending list of upcoming trends but it is also an important fact that not every trend will look good on every single person. While shopping a person should keep in mind about various factors that can either make or break their look. Let's take a look at some of the most common fashion errors that are made by girls in day to day life.
Looking A Mess While Running Errands
Photo from dailymail
One of the biggest mistake that girls make is, of looking messy while running any errand. It is important to understand that every time you leave home to run a errand, it is better to dress up in casual and easy manner rather than being lay and leaving the house in wrinkled, dirty and messy clothes and get up. There are chances that you meet someone you know and it will do no good impression on the other person to see you look homeless.
Wearing Over Sized Or Over Small Clothes
Photo from womansera
A person should never wear over size or over tight clothes. Over sized clothes can make you look huge and hide your curves instead of making them look good while over tight or small size clothes can make you look like a over filled package that will burst soon also there are chances of wardrobe malfunctions. Therefore, one should buy clothes keeping in mind their size as they will accentuate your body curves and make you look appeasing.
Over Accessorizing
Photo from pinterest
One should never over accessorize themselves. Over accessorizing kills the entire look by over powering the attire and hair and makeup. It also makes you look like a clown instead of a beautiful and elegant. The accessories should be kept minimum keeping in mind about the dress and it's fabric.
Buying Random Type Clothes
Photo from pinterest
Never buy random clothes. Girls generally do not pay attention towards their body type and pick up random clothes which they like. One should also avoid buying clothes without trying them on first. Every girls should buy clothes keeping in mind about her body type. It helps in making their body look beautiful and flattering instead of looking like a sack of potatoes. It is better to go to the store and buy clothes instead of ordering them online to check their fit and look.
Not Maintaining The Clothes In Proper Manner
Photo from junkyteapartyblogspot
It is extremely important to keep in mind about the fabric of clothes before washing them randomly at home. Some clothes are made up of delicate fabrics that require dry cleaning or cold wash. washing clothes at home can ruin the fabric of clothes by shrinking them, causing them to loose there color thus making them unwearable again.
Desperate Shopping
Photo from shuttrestock
Girls should avoid doing desperate shopping or shopping from random sales. It is usual that clothes whose fabric is getting worn out or clothes that are made of cheap materials are put up for sale to clear stock and this kind of clothes are of no use in your wardrobe as well. Therefore it is suggested to avoid shopping clothes from sales.
Mismatched Pairing
Photo from dailymail
One should always prepare their attire before hand instead of waiting for the last moment. The last moment dressing up is always shabby and even the clothes are usually mismatched. The entire attire will only be perfect if it is complimenting each other instead of making you look like a clown. Clothes should be paired p in such a way that they look gorgeous and classy not cheap.
Pictures- dailymail, pinterest, womansera, shutterstck, junkyteapartyblogspot
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