8 Sassiest GIF's That Answers To  " Why Are You Single?"

8 Sassiest GIF's That Answers To " Why Are You Single?"

By kashish on 10 Oct 2018
Digital Editor

Being single is a voluntary choice. There are no rules about compulsorily being in relationship.  It is absolutely alright to be young and single. Yet some people don't shy away from meddling in your affairs. People are always interested to know about your personal life. From your neighbours to colleagues everybody wants to why and hows of your life and then share some unwanted and unasked advices and judgements. The most common question asked from every single individual is, "Why?". Now instead of rolling eyes on their question and trying to change the topic, you can give people the sassiest reply and get rid of their questions for once and all.


Why are you Single?

Because I'm In Relationship With My Food!

giphyPhoto from giphy

Because I Am Busy Waiting For Someone To Ruin My Lipstick, Not Mascara!!

Star2.comPhoto from Star2.com

Because I Can't Find Someone To Match My Level Of Awesomeness!!

manentailPhoto from manentail


Because I Am Just Lucky!!

alloyPhoto from alloy

Why Are YOU IN A Relationship?!?!

GiferPhoto from Gifer

Because My Dog Is Extremely Possessive!

giphyPhoto from giphy

Because My Mama Don't Like You But She Likes Everyone!

giphyPhoto from giphy

Because I Don't Wanna Stay With Your Mom!

GiferPhoto from Gifer



Pictures-Giphy, Gifer, Alloy, Manentail, Star2.com
Text- GirlStyle IN