8 DIY Fruit Face Masks For A Fresh & Natural Glow
Photo from Femina.in
Grape and wine mask
Photo from Nilufer Tea
Grapes and wine are rich in antioxidants that rejuvenate skin. You can create a jelly with them and use it as a mask.
Avocado and oats mask
Photo from Hello Glow
If you are a dry & sensitive skin gal, this one is for you. Applying mashed avocado and soaked oats can help you nourish and calm the skin.
Papaya and honey mask
Photo from The Indian Express
Papaya is very known for treating acne and blemishes. The fruit is also full of enzymes which help in exfoliating skin.
Strawberry and yoghurt mask
Photo from Masala!
Strawberries are rich in vitamins and yoghurt contains lactic acid which will help in giving you a beautiful and healthy glow.
Mashed banana face mask
Photo from Pinterest
Bananas are rich in vitamin A and potassium and are full of sugars which hydrate the skin and help dull skin revival.
Wood apple pulp mask
Photo from English OKTelugu
Wood apple that is also known as Bael will make a great face mask. Its pulp is super rich in Vitamin C, which helps in making your skin healthy and glowing.
Watermelon smoothie mask
Photo from Everyday Health
Watermelon contains antioxidants, hydrating agents and sugars that help in replenishing the skin with instant moisture.
Peach and milk mask
Photo from BeBeautiful
Peaches contain carotenoids and polyphenols and milk has fats so this face mask moisturises the skin and helps in giving a radiant glow.
Feature Image: Tweak India
Text By: GirlStyle India