Want A Smooth Shave Every Time? This DIY Shave Gel Is Just What You Need

Want A Smooth Shave Every Time? This DIY Shave Gel Is Just What You Need

By Samprita on 24 Apr 2020
Senior Digital Editor
Samprita Kuncolinkar holds a bachelor's degree in English Literature and has been working at GirlStyle India since its inception. She works as a Senior Lifestyle Editor who is deeply in love with all things beauty, fashion, entertainment and lifestyle. Enjoying the online version of the magazine, the genres of her articles keep varying as she loves to move and groove. Apart from her work life, she loves binge-watching Netflix and loves to eat junk food for happiness.

There are a lot of misbeliefs about shaving, especially among women. They are afraid of issues like skin darkening and about hair growing back thicker. Therefore, most women consciously try and stay away from this method of hair removal. But, we are sure you didn't know that the quality of the shaving cream you use to the quality of your razor, everything plays a major role in giving you the desired result.


skincare.comPhoto from skincare.com

Yes, you read that right! To help you make your shaving experience better, here is an easy DIY shaving gel that will help you get a SMOOOOOOTH shave. This shaving gel contains only natural ingredients therefore it is ideal for all skin types. Say goodbye to dry, itchy and razor-burnt skin with this simple shaving gel recipe!

Follow the below steps for a smooth shave at home:

  1. Make sure you always use a good quality razor which is easy to clean.
  2. Always shave at the end of your shower as this will ensure that the pores have enough time to open up.
  3. Rinse the blades when needed, while you are shaving. Keep a mug filled with water in the shower to dip the razor in or wipe it on a wet facecloth.

Things you need to prepare the shaving gel:

You Brew My TeaPhoto from You Brew My Tea

  • 1/4 cup warm water
  • 1/4 cup aloe vera gel
  • 1/2 coconut oil
  • 1 tablespoon olive spoon
  • 2 tablespoons vegetable glycerine
  • 8 drops of tea tree essential oil
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt

How to make:

Step 1: In a pan, heat the water and add salt to it until it gets completely dissolved.

Step 2: Next, put all the remaining ingredients together in the pan and stir until its completely mixed.

Step 3: Remove the pan from the stove and allow the mixture to cool down.

Step 4: Store the mixture in an airtight container and use when required.


Feature Image: CLASSY

Text By: GirlStyle IN