Wedding Stories: 11 Easy & Effective Diet Tips For All The Brides To Be
Every bride dreams of looking perfect on the most important day of her life. From her outfit to accessories, makeup to hairstyling, footwear to bridal party everything must be flawless. The wedding season has officially started again and so just like other radios you must also be looking out for the best diet plans to look curvacious and fit on your d-day. You don't have to worry about it anymore, since we have got for you some of the most simple diet and fitness tips that you can follow and looking ravishing on the most important day of your life.
Here are dieticians approved some of the most simple and easy tips that you can follow.
- Balance is everything. Diet does not mean you have to skip meals or stay hungry. Eat every meal, starting from breakfast to lunch and dinner.
- Don't go for any other diet plan that you think will help you in looking slim. They will only make you weak and pale.
- Include more home-cooked meals in your diet rather than eating high carb, high sodium food from different food joints.
Photo from Instagram
- Make a habit of consuming turmeric and amla shot long with fresh fruits to make your skin look radiant.
- Make sure to include one portion of any veggies in your meal plan. You can also opt for drinking green veggies juice.
Photo from Instagram
- While you are busy with your work or on a shopping spree always make sure to carry some nuts, seeds or granola bars with you that you munch to keep hunger pangs at bay.
- Swap your caffeinated drinks like tea, coffee and sodas with coconut water, fresh fruit juices. Not only they are rich in nutrients but they are also sugar-free and healthy.
- Take green tea 2-3 times a day. It will help in reducing the fat and give your body anti-oxidants.
- Avoid consuming food that contains refined sugar or oil like maida, sugar and colas.
- Consume organic meat products to avoid an upset stomach.
- Try to include yoga in your day to day routine. It will help in reducing stress and will bring peace.
Picture Credits- Instagram
Text By- GirlStyle IN