Hair Care Troubles: 3 Homemade Scrub For Scalp That Will Make Your Hair Thick & Strong

Hair Care Troubles: 3 Homemade Scrub For Scalp That Will Make Your Hair Thick & Strong

By kashish on 12 Feb 2020
Digital Editor
Kashish hold's a Bachelor's Degree in Mass Communication & Journalism. She has been working with the company since it's inception. Kashish writes lifestyle articles but is more inclined towards writing about makeup & all things fashion. When she is not busy in work, Kashish likes to read books or watch movies.

Most of dream about having thick, luscious and healthy tresses and to achieve that we tend to follow a haircare routine. But the question that we often ask ourself and fail to receive a proper is, does our haircare routine really works? Is it effective? While we tend to focus on our hair and hair tips we more than often times skip our scalp and that is the biggest mistake that we make. Inspite of being covered with hair, our scalp tends to get in contact with pollution, impurities and dust particles that stick on our scalp and cause our hair to get damaged.


Hence we need to do a lot more than just oiling and washing our hair. In order to make sure that our styling tools, millions of hair products along with dirt, pollutions and impurities have not clogged our scalp pores and weakened our hair we need exfoliator for our scalp. Exfoliators that will help in getting rid of all the grim and dirt from our scalp and will open our clogged pores. While we can find those exfoliators in market, one thing is for sure they will definitely burn hole in our pockets, hence the next best solution is to prepare the best possible scalp exfoliators at home.

Take a look at 3 of them.

sanovadermatologyPhoto from sanovadermatology

Mix 4 spoons of sugar with one spoon of honey and olive oil. Mix them together and massage it on your scalp. It will help in getting rid of all the impurity's and dust particles from your scalp and open all the clogged pores.

womenshealthPhoto from womenshealth

Mix 3 tablespoons full of sea salt with lemon juice and olive oil. Damp your hair and then start scrubbier ing your scalp with the scrub. Rinse it with lukewarm water.

houseandhomePhoto from houseandhome

Make simple scrub by mixing 2 spoon of baking soda with 1 spoon of cinnamon powder and 1 spoon of pile oil. You can also add any essential oil of your choice in it. Massage it on your scalp and rinse with mild shampoo and warm water.



Pictures- homeandhouse, sanovadermatology, womenshealth
Text- GirlStyle IN