Skincare Tips: These Strawberry Inspired Skincare Remedies Can Help You In Achieving Radiant Skin

Skincare Tips: These Strawberry Inspired Skincare Remedies Can Help You In Achieving Radiant Skin

Skin Care
By kashish on 20 Jan 2020
Digital Editor
Kashish hold's a Bachelor's Degree in Mass Communication & Journalism. She has been working with the company since it's inception. Kashish writes lifestyle articles but is more inclined towards writing about makeup & all things fashion. When she is not busy in work, Kashish likes to read books or watch movies.

Fruits are known to be super beneficial for our health. They are rich in nutrients like vitamins and antioxidants and keep us healthy but thats not all. Fruits are also extremely beneficial towards our skin. Fruits like strawberries are packed with anti oxidants that help our skin to look radiant and healthy. 
If you are the one who loves to eat strawberries then you will definitely fall in love with these face packs, scrubs and masks that you can make by using strawberries to enrich your skin with its wholesome goodness.



Strawberry & Chocolate Mask

PaleoleafPhoto from Paleoleaf

Mash strawberries and mix it with some cocoa powder and a little bit of honey. Apply the pack on your face for 15 mins and then wash it with Luke warm water. It helps in making your face soft and supple.

Strawberry & Cream Mask

floridastrawberrygrowerPhoto from floridastrawberrygrower

Got tired of blemishes and acne popping up every now and then, this pack is one stop solution to your problems. Mix together mashed strawberries and cream with a teaspoon of honey. Apply it on your face for 10 mins before you rinse your face.

Strawberry Scrub

prettyplainjanesPhoto from prettyplainjanes

Mix together ripe banana with strawberries then add a little bit of honey and sugar. Use it to gently exfoliate your skin to get rid of all the dead skin cells and dust particles.

Strawberry & Honey Mask

getinspiredPhoto from getinspired

Make a smooth paste by mixing together finely mashed strawberries and honey. Apply it on your skin and let is rest for 15 minutes before your wash it off with lukewarm water. This will help your face in staying hydrated, soft and will also give natural blush.

Pictures- Paleoleaf, floridastrawberrygrower, prettyplainjanes, getinspired
Text- GirlStyle IN