Stereotypes: Fashion Tips That Every Girl Should Stop Believing

Stereotypes: Fashion Tips That Every Girl Should Stop Believing

By kashish on 03 Jan 2020
Digital Editor
Kashish hold's a Bachelor's Degree in Mass Communication & Journalism. She has been working with the company since it's inception. Kashish writes lifestyle articles but is more inclined towards writing about makeup & all things fashion. When she is not busy in work, Kashish likes to read books or watch movies.

The sense of style and fashion varies from person to person. Every individual have their own sense styling themselves. While some prefer to keep their looks simple, some like to go all out and dress to impress. While we all believe that fashion choice of every person should defend upon their own personal comfort and need, the emergence of social media has brought up a common list of do's and don'ts that people of every age, shape, size and complexion have to follow. These self titled fashion police and their common norms are followed by most women irrespective of their choice or their comfort. But it is never late to stand for your rights and take back the freedom of following fashion the way you want to.


Wear what you believe would be comfortable, what you think will suit you best, what will make you look mesmerising instead of wearing what you have been stereotyped to wear. Take a look at some common fashion stereotypes that you should break free from and follow your own sense of style and fashion.

Crop tops are for skinny people

stylecasterPhoto from stylecaster

One of the biggest myth. Crop tops are for anyone who want to wear them. If you feel they are comfortable then do not stop yourself from rocking in crop tops. Look best by pairing them with high waisted lowers.

Dusky people should not wear brightScreenshot 2020-01-03 at 12.20.40 PM

It is often said that dusky women should avoid bright colours be it for makeup or for using clothing.  That does not even make sense. Feel free to wear any colour that you want to or wear makeup of any colour of your choice.

Black is for women of large size


celebmafiaPhoto from celebmafia

It is extremely wrong. Black is a colour that anyone care wear. People believe that black makes thick people look a little slimmer but they cannot be anymore away from the fact.

Large prints are for women with large size

pinterestPhoto from pinterest

Do not decide your outfits by looking at your size. you can wear whatever print, style, colour, etc you want to.  If you like small prints then wear them if you like large prints then feel free to wear them.

Heels look more sophisticated than flats

twitterPhoto from twitter

While it is true that heels help in defining the curves and accentuating the figure. There is no hard and fast rules that women cannot wear flats. Flats are more comfortable and practical to be worn for long hours.

Pictures- stylecaster, Instagram, celebmafia, pinterest, twitter
Text- GirlStyle IN