Make Your Own Body Shimmer Spray With Just Three Ingredients
If you've ever spotted a celebrity on a magazine cover, award ceremony or on the red carpet with the gorgeous luminous glow and you have become a fan instantly, let us tell you that 'the glow' lools equally stunning off the camera too. In fact, there are a lot of people who prefer wearing it to the beach as well so that when the sun rays touch their skin, a beautiful radiance is reflected and there you get a gorgeous beach photo. Parties happen to be another place where you can spray some shimmer on your legs or décolletage and look BOMB af!
However, you got to be careful with the shimmer sprays available in the stores because you don't want to end up looking weird and tacky, right? Therefore, we have found this quick and easy DIY shimmer spray that will help you achieve the same look, without the fear of spritzing too much product.
Photo from Pinterest
Things you need:
- 1/4 cup of distilled water
- Spray bottle
- 2 teaspoon highlighter or a shimmer eyeshadow
- 3 teaspoons argan oil
Step 01: Choose gold, silver or bronze eyeshadow/ highlighter of your choice which you want to add to the DIY shimmer spray.
Step 02: Finely crush the pigment into a powder-like texture.
Step 03: Add the highlighter/ shimmer eyeshadow into the spray bottle, pour the argan oil and then the distilled water.
Step 04: Close the cap of the spray bottle and SHAKE WELL!
Photo from Pinterest
How to use:
- Shake the bottle right before use and spray on the desired area of your body.
- Rub in the product with your fingers to get a smooth finish.
- You can also spray it on your hair for some extra glam.
Feature Image: Pinterest
Text By: GirlStyle IN