Tanha Dil! 5 Reasons People Often Like To Stay Single

Tanha Dil! 5 Reasons People Often Like To Stay Single

By Anuradha on 08 Nov 2019
Digital Editor
Anuradha Shrivastava has done Post Graduation in Mass Communication and Journalism. She likes to keep herself up-to-date with all that's happening in the world of Entertainment. When she is not working, you'll probably catch her watching movies.

Being in love is beautiful and many people crave for that special one but there are some who choose to be single. They don't want any complications, commitments in their lives and want to live on their own terms. There is nothing wrong in it if you are happy. Though lovebirds always make us feel that being in a relationship can make you feel content in life but there are some people who think otherwise.


Here is why people like to stay single:

When you are in a relationship, you want that person to be emotionally available for you but when this doesn't happen, it starts affecting your mental health. You start thinking the reason and unable to focus on your work. It hurts when relationship fails. Thus, it's better to stay single.

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People carry the baggage of their past relationships. This could be the reason they create walls and the other person keeps guessing what's wrong he or she has done.

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Some people had their heart broken so badly that they don't want to go through the same pain again. They feel that stayling alone is better than getting hurt.

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You have so many failed relationships that you feel like you are not worth living. In fact, you give up on the right guy who understands you. Well, staying single is your choice but you should always love yourself.

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Some people are stuck in their daily routine. They are focussed on their career and have no time for anyone.

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