This DIY Spray Will Clean Your Makeup Brushes In No Time
Part of learning how to do your makeup includes washing your makeup brushes too. Yes, I know you probably didn't want to hear that right now, but ladies if you are a makeup fanatic, we can't tell you how significant it is to keep your makeup brushes and tools sanitised and clean.
Just like bad makeup products can irritate and damage your skin, dirty makeup brushes can result in breakouts and other skin related issues.
Even if you don't share your makeup brushes with your sister, mother or friends, it is important to clean them at least once or twice a week to get rid of the build-up dirt and bacteria.
While there are a plethora of makeup brush cleansers available in the market, they may contain chemicals which cannot be washed off completely and can cause skin issues. So, to make the process a bit easier, instant and affordable, we've found a DIY spray cleanser that will reduce your effort of washing the brushes.
Photo from Pinterest
Things you need:
- 50 ml hot water
- 50 ml rubbing alcohol
- 5 drops of essential tea tree oil
- 1 teaspoon hair conditioner
- Travel size spray bottle
Step 1: Mix the hot water and conditioner in a bowl and mix until the conditioner dissolves properly.
Step 2: Then add the rubbing alcohol, tea tree essential oil and stir well.
Step 3: Now, transfer this into the spray bottle.
How to use:
- Shake the bottle well before use. Spray a generous amount of mixture on the brushes and wipe then with a tissue to clean.
- If you still notice any dirt dissolving and coming-off on the tissue, spray the mixture once again and wipe clean.
- Let the brushes dry before you head to use them again.
- Storing the solution in a spray bottle makes it easy to use especially when you are travelling.
This is just a quick-fix remedy for your brushes when you are short on time or while you are travelling. Make sure to thoroughly clean your brushes every once a while when you have time to protect your skin from serious skin troubles.
Picture Credits: Pinterest
Text By: GirlStyle IN