5 Beauty Benefits Of Vodka That Will Definitely Surprise You!!

5 Beauty Benefits Of Vodka That Will Definitely Surprise You!!

By kashish on 09 Sep 2019
Digital Editor
Kashish hold's a Bachelor's Degree in Mass Communication & Journalism. She has been working with the company since it's inception. Kashish writes lifestyle articles but is more inclined towards writing about makeup & all things fashion. When she is not busy in work, Kashish likes to read books or watch movies.

Booze seems to make appearance in our lives when we are in the mood to party and let loose. But did you know that as beneficial vodka is for celebrations it is equally benefitting for beautification. Yes, you have read it correctly and no we haven't lost our marbles. Vodka is an extremely beneficial liquor when it comes to beautification and has surprising benefits that you would have never fathom in your dreams. 


The only tips to keep in mind is to always dilute vodka with water before application. The concentrated liquor can be extremely harsh on our skin and hair. Take a look at 5 ways that vodka can help you in achieving healthy skin and strong hair.

Clear Skin

freepikPhoto from freepik

Vodka is a wonderful product that can help in unclogging pores. You can easily use it at your home and achieve clear skin. Mix half teaspoon of vodka with a cup of green tea. Use cotton ball to dip in the liquor and apply it on your skin. While vodka will unclog all the pores on your skin green tea will help in soothing your skin.

Anti Dandruff

healthlinePhoto from healthline

If you always annoyed with flakiness on your scalp and dandruff then vodka is the miracle you have been looking for. You can easily prep0are a hair mask using vodka and rosemary which will help you in getting rid of all the flakiness and dandruff. Mix together some vodka and crushed rosemary leaves and let the mixture rest for 2-3 days. Once the mixture has rested enough you can apply it on your scalp for 20minutes before rinsing it.


Glowing Skin

womanshealthPhoto from womanshealth

Vodka is amazing liquor that helps in making skin firm and unclogging pores. Also vodka makes your skin so clear that it glows. Mix one tablespoon of vodka with two tablespoons of distilled water. Add some rose petals and your homemade toner is ready to use. You can use it at any time of the day to achieve a fresh and glowing look.

Glossy Hair

affinagePhoto from affinage

In order to have glossy hair one must get rid of all the frizziness and hydrate their scalp. Vodka has the optimum level of ph that helps in reducing high ph level in our scalp which further reduce frizziness from hair and makes hair silky and glossy. You can prepare a super easy hair mask that will pamper your scalp and make your hair look like blessing. Combine one tablespoon of mayo, one beaten egg, one tablespoon of honey and one teaspoon of olive oil. Add 10 ml of vodka into the mixture and apply it for 20 minutes before washing your hair. Voila, you will soft, silky and frizz free glossy hair.

Firm Skin

CIINPhoto from CIIN

When people have clogged pores, their skin tend to get loose which looks unappealing.  Take equal parts of lemon tea, mint tea, rosehip tea and vodka. Freeze them in ice tray and use the frozen mixture to rub against your skin. While it will unclog your pores and make your skin firm , the cold ice will also sooth your skin.




Pictures- freepik, affinage, womanshealth, healthline, CIIN
Text- GirlStyle IN