5 Jaw Dropping Masks Made With Mayo For Hair Care That You Never Knew!!

5 Jaw Dropping Masks Made With Mayo For Hair Care That You Never Knew!!

By kashish on 09 Aug 2019
Digital Editor
Kashish hold's a Bachelor's Degree in Mass Communication & Journalism. She has been working with the company since it's inception. Kashish writes lifestyle articles but is more inclined towards writing about makeup & all things fashion. When she is not busy in work, Kashish likes to read books or watch movies.

Dealing with hair can be a tricky task. With variety of hair products and treatments available in market, one tends to get confused while finding the right product and treatment for themselves. Its hard to find the most apt product for our hair. We face various hair issues and it is hard to find one product that can solve all our problems. But if you believe in using natural ingredients to solve your issues then you might just fall in love with this product that will put a halt to all your hair related problems.


One of the most commonly available ingredient that will most definitely be stored in your refrigerator right now and will help you in dealing with stubborn uncooperative hair is Mayonnaise. Yes, as weird as it sounds mayo is one of the best product to make your hair healthy, strong, thick and reduce hair loss. Mayo helps in getting rid of lice, makes hair strong and thick, reduces frizz treats dandruff and protects hair colour.

Take a look at 5 different yet simple hair masks that you can prepare using mayo and get rid of your hair troubles. You can prepare and use these hair masks once a week and the results will be soon infant of you.


Mayo & Honey hair mask

littlegreendotPhoto from littlegreendot

Prepare a smooth mixture by mixing 1/2 cup mayo with 2 tablespoon of honey and 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar. Apply this mixture in your hair from roots to the very tip and leave it for 45 minutes. Cover your hair using a shower cap. Rinse your hair using sulphate free shampoo and voila you will get soft and super glossy hair.

Mayo & Avocado hair mask


thedailymealPhoto from thedailymeal

Mix together 1/2 mashed avocado and 1/2 cup mayo. Apply it on your hair from scalp to tips and let it rest for 20 minutes before washing it. This will make your hair healthy and hydrate your scalp to prevent dry scalp and flakes.

Mayo & Egg hair mask

tasteofhomePhoto from tasteofhome

In a bowl make a mixture by whisking two eggs and 1/2 cup mayonnaise. Apply the mixture on your scalp till the very tips of your hair and let it rest for 20 minutes before washing your hair. Eggs and mayo are rich in protein which will make your hair strong and reduce breakage all while making them glossy.

Mayo & Olive Oil hair mask

stylecrazePhoto from stylecraze

Mix together equal parts of oil and mayo and apply the mixture on your hair from scalp to tips. Let it rest on your hair for 30 minutes before you wash it off. Olive oil and mayo together will hydrate your hair, reduce frizzy-ness and give your hair volume.

Mayo & Coconut Oil hair mask

diys.comPhoto from diys.com

Mix 4 tablespoon of mayo with 2 tablespoon of coconut oil with 1 tablespoon of olive oil. Apply the mixture starting from the roots till the tips and let it be there for 30 minutes before rinsing it. Coconut oil and mayo will not bring back the lost lustre from your hair but will also reduce dryness, get rid of dandruff and heal the damage.


Pictures- littlegreendot, diys.com, stylecraze, thedailymeal, tasteofhome
Text- GirlStyle IN