4 Easy & Quick Steps To Apply Perfect Lip Liner!!
Even the most simple and smallest cosmetic product can change your entire appearance. You don't have time to do makeup, getting late, feeling lazy or are simply too sleepy to spend extra hour for makeup no worries, two coats of mascara will make you lashes look thicker and fuller, a swipe of Kajal will make your eyes look big and beautiful, a little blush will give you natural flush and a single coat of lipstick will plump your lips and voila you are ready to start your day.
Lipstick is the most common makeup product that all the women prefer to apply while in hurry. Lipstick just gives your entire look an edge and a pop that enhances your appliance twice. But to make sure that your lipstick looks amazing and stays for long hours you need to make sure that you line your lips. You cannot make your lipstick as ravishing as you want without applying lip liner properly.
Everyone knows that "Fashion is cyclic"and the so is the case with lip lining. The raging trend from the era of 80's and 90's is back again and people just can't get enough of it. While it may look extremely difficult task in hand but the truth is lip lining is not aeronautical science and it will just take few minutes from your time and voila you will have perfectly lined lips. Take a look at 4 easy steps that will help you in applying lip liners with ease.
Photo from thefix
Step one, is to apply a coat of lip balm on your lips to make sure they are not dry or flaky. It also helps by making sure that your lipstick and lip liner stays intact.
Photo from itslittlelauren
Step two, is to pick the perfect shade of lip liner. Always make sure that your lip liner is a shade darker that your lipstick. It will make your lips look fuller and juicy.
Photo from pinterest
Step three, is to start your lip lining by making an X on your cupid bow for the perfect arch to enhance the natural shape of your lips. Once you have made X on your cupid bow, then outline your lips and merge upper and lower lip on the corner of your mouth.
Photo from stealherstyle
Step four, is to finally apply the lipstick and voila, you are ready!
Pictures- thefix, itslittlelauren, pinterest, stealherstyle
Text- GirlStyle IN